[WIN] Blacklisting ASIO drivers in the Measure app

There are ASIO drivers that can cause compatibility issues with the Measure app. This guide provides steps on how to blacklist unusued and problematic ASIO drivers.

In this article:


Problematic ASIO drivers

Some ASIO drivers showing in the SoundID Reference Measure app might not be of any value to the user, or be subject to compatibility problems resulting in serious usability issues (crashes, audio artifacts during playback, etc.)

Problematic ASIO drivers can be manually disabled by the user for any reason they deem necessary - blacklisted ASIO drivers will not show up in the SoundID Reference Measure app.


How to blacklist an ASIO driver in the SoundID Reference Measure app

  1. Go to 
    C:\Users\your username\AppData\Local\Sonarworks\SoundID Reference\Measure

    The AppData folder is hidden by default - you will need to allow Explorer to show hidden files.

  2. Open audiodeviceblacklist.config file with Notepad and keep it ready for editing:


  3. Type 'regedit' in the Windows search bar to open Registry Editor:


  4. Navigate to the ASIO directory shown below - all installed ASIO drivers are listed here:
  5. Click on the driver you wish to blacklist (we have blacklisted Realtek ASIO in the example below)
  6. Double-click on CLSID and copy-paste the displayed value into the blacklist file ID field:


  7. Double-click on Description and copy-paste the displayed name into the blacklist file Title field:


  8. Close and Save the blacklist file


  9. Copy the file to SoundID Reference Measure folder:
    C:\Users\your username\AppData\Local\Sonarworks\SoundID Reference\Measure
    (AppData is a hidden directory by default - to access it you might need to allow showing hidden files as per instructions here)


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Instead of trying to work out the following directory

C:\Users\your username\AppData\Local\Sonarworks\SoundID Reference\Measure

- Just visit '%localAppData%' which will take you straight to C:\Users\<your username>\AppData\Local\


I have some questions too. I've installed on two PC's that both use Native Instruments ASIO drivers along side Focusrite ASIO Drivers, both machines have refused to run 'Measure' app and crashed in the desribed fashion. Why can't this ~£300 application get around this crash without manual user intervention and why can't it auto submit crash logs into a ticket without manual uploading of logs?

The above doesn't feel great for those who aren't 'savvy' with Windows Registry and editing configuration files. It feels like an incomplete product in that sense.

I would have expected the app to show at least some sort of error code or reason for crash rather than just a link to create a ticket with support?

I'm most happy to help where I can to test and gather logs to help move forward with this one.


Hi steveclackuk+sonarworks, thanks for your comment, sorry to hear you have encountered some trouble.

The Measure app will blacklist drivers which are known to cause some issues to avoid the app from crashing. There might be others potentially problematic drivers which the app does not blacklist automatically though, thus they will have to be blacklisted manually by the user. In these cases, we can also take note of what the problematic driver was for future knowledge.

I've shared your feedback regarding the crash log submission - thanks for your input on this! At the moment, we don't have such a feature in place for the Measure app, but log files can still be sent to our support team for further investigation. I will open up a support request on your behalf, so we can look further into the issue you are experiencing. You will receive a notification about this.

To help us out, it would be great if you could recreate the issue and extract the latest Measure log files from the Sonarworks folder, for locating log files, see our guide here: Locating SoundID Reference log files  (find the newest folder with the 'SoundIDReference Measure' mentioned in tje title, recognize it by the date and timestamp).

It also seems we had some information regarding the hidden AppData folder missing in the guide, I've updated this as well, thanks!

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