Find SoundID Reference log files for issue troubleshooting. If you're experiencing some problems with the software, log files are beneficial for our team in resolving issues.
In this article:
SoundID Reference log files
If you encounter a technical issue while using SoundID Reference and believe that it is caused by the software itself, you are encouraged to contact our Customer Support team and provide the details. Unless the bug is clearly reproducible on any computer, our developers will need to read the software log files generated on your computer. To speed up the resolution time, please collect and attach the log files when submitting a support request.
Log files are generated automatically, and are grouped by each software session separately - a new log subfolder is generated whenever you launch the SoundID Reference app, plugin, or speaker measurement software).
Collecting log files on macOS
- Relaunch the software to automatically start a new logging session
- Reproduce the issue to capture the problematic behavior in the logs
- Open Finder and click on Go > Go to Folder... and enter the following location
~/Library/Application Support/Sonarworks/Logs
- Locate the log subfolder from the latest session (sort the folder content by Date Modified if you're unable to locate the latest session logs manually)
- Right-click on the logs folder and compress it into a ZIP archive
You can also navigate to this directory in Finder manually. N.B. Users/Library is a hidden location on Mac by default - to access it manually, you will need to allow Finder to show hidden files:
/Macintosh SSD/Users/your username/Application Support/Sonarworks/Logs
Note [macOS]: since version 5.4.0 (Oct 18, 2022) the "Sonarworks" folder has been moved from ~/Library/Sonarworks to ~/Library/Application Support/Sonarworks
Collecting log files on Windows
- Relaunch the software to automatically start a new logging session
- Reproduce the issue to capture the problematic behavior in the logs
- Navigate to the following location on your PC:
C:\Users\your username\AppData\Local\Sonarworks\Logs
- Locate the log subfolder from the latest session (sort the folder content by Date Modified if you're unable to locate the latest session logs manually)
- Right-click on the logs folder and compress it into a ZIP archive
N.B. The AppData folder is hidden by default - you will need to allow Explorer to show hidden files.