[WIN] SoundID Reference app scaling issue - content out of borders

If you're encountering an issue where some buttons/items are outside of the Measure app/SoundID Reference app borders, this guide provides a fix for the issue.

In this article: 


Content out of borders

In some edge cases, Windows users might encounter an issue with scaling in the either the Measure app or SoundID Reference standalone app, and several graphical items/buttons being out of the GUI window borders, as displayed in the example below. For Measure, it then isimpossible to click on the 'Next' button. In this article, we will show you how to resolve the issue by adjusting the DPI settings.



Fix the issue by adjusting the DPI settings

  1. Navigate to the SoundID Reference app & Measure app location in the Program Files shown below:
    C:\Program Files\Sonarworks\SoundID Reference\Measure
    C:\Program Files\Sonarworks\SoundID Reference\Systemwide
  2. Right-click on Reference Measure/SoundID Reference app, and select Properties


  3. Go to Compatibility > Change high DPI settings > Override high DPI scaling behavior, and select the 'System (Enhanced)' option from the dropdown menu


  4. Click on Apply and OK to save changes

After completing these steps, you should be able to see the 'Next' button in the setup page in the Measure app and proceed further to the next step. 

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