Unable to activate SoundID VoiceAI

In this article:


Activation issue

An issue may occur when the SoundID VoiceAI activation process does not finalize due to miscommunication between the components and/or DAW not responding.

Before proceeding, please check if you're running the latest version of SoundID VoiceAI, as several bug-fix updates have already been released for activation-related issues, download here.

In case the problem still occurs with the latest version, proceed with the troubleshooting steps below.


Screenshot 2025-01-29 at 14.32.02.png


[MAC] Add Sonaworks license services to login items

If you're running macOS, first make sure the Sonarworks license services are enabled in Login Items. Can you check the if "Sonarworks SIA" item is present and turned on in System Settings > General > Login Items & Extensions > Allow in the Background:


[SVAI] Login Items - Sonarworks SIA.png

Reinstall process

A fully clean product reinstallation is highly recommended to resolve any potential activation issues, and clear out any corrupted files: 

  1. Uninstall SoundID VoiceAI, and make sure to fully remove any leftover files and folders as shown in these step-by-step guides:
  2. Reinstall the latest version of SoundID VoiceAI, download here
  3. Reboot your computer to clear any cached data
  4. Load the SoundID VoiceAI plugin in your DAW, and click on 'Log in'
  5. Click on 'Activate on this device' in your Sonarworks Account
  6. Return to the SoundID VoiceAI plugin in your DAW and check the activation status. Make sure you have the correct processing/license mode selected: Perpetual or Pay-as-you-go (reactivate the correct mode, if necessary)



  • [WIN] Open your DAW as Administrator. Open DAW with admin rights for the plugin to load without issues for the first time: right-click on the DAW shortcut and select Run as Administrator.
  • Download presets (Perpetual mode). Click on any grayed-out voice or instrument preset to initiate local preset downloads via the SoundID Download Manager (for offline processing via Perpetual mode)


License Service restart

If the plugin is still not activated after a fully clean reinstall or is displaying a 'Restart Sonarworks license service' error as shown in the screesnhot below, restarting the license services might help:


[SVAI] Plese start the Sonarworks license service.png


If the plugin is still not activated after a fully clean reinstall or is displaying a 'Restart Sonarworks license service' error as shown in the screesnhot above, restarting the license services might help:



  1. Click on Start, type in Services, and hit Enter to launch this utility
  2. Locate Sonarworks License Service
  3. Right-click on the service and select Restart

Services SVAI.png



  1. Open Activity Monitor, and Search for "LicenseService" in the top-right corner
  2. Select the "LicenseService" and click on the '' ('Stop') button
  3. Select Quit in the follow-up dialog - the service will be rebooted immediately as a root service


Note: If the "LicenseService" is missing in the Activity Monitor, see the instructions below.


Activity monitor SVAI.png


License Service manual reboot on macOS

License Service reboot is performed in two stages: service unload, and service load. 

  1. Open the Terminal app
  2. Unload the service: sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.Sonarworks.LicenseService.plist
  3. Load the service: sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.Sonarworks.LicenseService.plist

Note: Should you see "Unload failed: 5: Input/output error" during step 2, this means that the service was not running. Proceed with step 3.

Screenshot 2025-01-30 at 16.19.26.png

With the License Service running, continue with the license activation process: How to activate SoundID VoiceAI.


Contact support

Should the issue persist, please contact our Support Team. Make sure to include the following details in your support request:

  • A screesnhot of what is shown in the SoundID VoiceAI plugin after the activation attempt.
  • A video capture demonstrating the entire issue, if possible.
  • Archive and include SoundID VoiceAI log files - Locating SoundID VoiceAI log files.
  • Operating system and version details. If you're using macOS, please specify if it is an Intel-based Mac, or an M-series device (Apple Silicon).
  • DAW name and version number.
  • SoundID VoiceAI plugin version number and format used (VST3, AU, AAX) 
  • Any additional information such as error messages or DAW state (not responding, frozen, etc.)

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