If you are experiencing an issue with the SoundID Reference installer on your Mac or an installation issue in general, gathering installation logs may help our support team investigate the issue further.
In this article:
- How to collect SoundID Reference installation log files on your Mac
- Further installation issue troubleshooting
How to collect SoundID Reference installation log files on your Mac
For macOS 10.15 and newer, follow these steps:
- Find and click on the Spotlight search icon in the top-right corner of your desktop.
- Type Console and then press enter.
- Click Log Reports on the left menu, scroll to the bottom of the list, find install.log file
- Right-click on the file and choose Reveal in Finder.
- Copy the file (CMD+C) and paste it (CMD+V) somewhere (on the Desktop for example) and then send this file in the support ticket.
For macOS 10.14 and older
On older versions of macOS the install.log file will be stored in /var/log directory. To access it, please follow the steps below:
- Launch the Console app, click on /var/log
- While in Console, Open the Action tab at the top of the screen and click on the "Include Debug messages"
- Right-click on the install.log file to Reveal in Finder, copy it, and add it to your support request.
There are additional installer logs located in the SoundID Reference logs folder. You can collect the sub folder "Installer logs" from here:
Macintosh HD/Users/your username/Library/Application Support/Sonarworks/Logs
Further installation issue troubleshooting
There might be more information regarding the issue in the Console's log messages. If you wish to add more information to the ticket or if the support agent asks you to provide a more detailed report about the issue, please follow these steps:
- Launch the Console app
- Click “Start” in the top center bar to toggle message streaming
- Type in “reference installer” in the search bar to filter out only relevant entries, and press “Enter”
- Launch the SoundID Reference installer, proceed as normal (either finish the installation or continue until the issue you are troubleshooting appears)
- Once done, return to the Console app and select all events (CMD+A)
Copy all events (CMD+C) and paste to TextEdit or any other text processing app
- The text file you created is the install log, save it and attach it to your support request