How to show hidden files on Mac and Windows?

SoundID Reference files are located under hidden directories on Windows and macOS. This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to locate these files. 

In this article: 


Why show hidden files and folders?

Accessing hidden files and folders might be necessary in order to perform certain actions with SoundID Reference (for example, collecting log files, or accessing the .swproj speaker profile files in the Sonarworks Projects folder).


See hidden files on Mac via Finder

  1. Open the Finder app
  2. Press Command + Shift + . (Dot)
  3. Repeat the command to hide them again



Hidden files can also be shown and hidden again by executing these commands in the Terminal utility:


defaults write "AppleShowAllFiles" -bool "true" && killall Finder
defaults write "AppleShowAllFiles" -bool "false" && killall Finder


See hidden files on Windows via Explorer

  1. Click on View in Windows Explorer
  2. Check the Hidden Items checkbox
  3. Uncheck the Hidden Items checkbox to hide hidden items again


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