Audient ORIA “Measurement mode not detected” error

In this article, we'll show what to do when encountering the “Measurement mode not detected” error message. 


Audient ORIA “Measurement mode not detected” error

If you select “Audient ORIA” as your input/output device in SoundID Reference Measure, you will be able to seamlessly export the resulting calibration profile. Once you have selected Audient ORIA as your device in SoundID Reference Measure, the application will request you to also enter measurement mode in your Audient ORIA control application.


4 - Measurement mode not detected SIDR Measure.png


If you see this error when proceeding through the measurement process, it means that SoundID Reference Measure did not receive confirmation from the ORIA control app that the measurement mode has been activated. Make sure to open the ORIA app when prompted by SoundID Reference Measure and approve it by clicking “Okay”.


5 - measurement mode ORIA.png


Note: you can also continue the measurement process without this step, however in this scenario your resulting calibration profile will not contain some metadata related to the Audient ORIA interface. Calibration and export will still be available, although we recommend you measure your setup with the Audient ORIA flow.

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