“Unable to reach Audient ORIA” error

In this article, we'll show what to check and do when encountering the “Unable to reach Audient ORIA” error message in SoundID Reference Measure and the SoundID Reference standalone app. 


In this article: 


Audient ORIA measurement flow

If you select “Audient ORIA” as your input/output device in SoundID Reference Measure, you will be able to seamlessly export the resulting calibration profile. Selecting your interface before the measurement enters you in the Audient ORIA flow, during which the SoundID Reference software will communicate with the Audient ORIA control application multiple times.


1 - What audio interface are you using SIDR Measure.png


"Unable to reach Audient ORIA" error message in Measure

If you see an error titled “Unable to reach Audient ORIA”, it means that SoundID Reference is unable to communicate with the Audient ORIA software. You should make sure that the interface is connected to the computer and the control software is up to date and running throughout the whole measurement process.


2 - Unable to reach SIDR Measure.png

If the error keeps happening, please contact our support team for assistance. You can also continue the measurement process within the standard measurement flow by clicking the “Cancel” button. This will allow you to create a calibration profile that can be exported to Audient ORIA, however, it will not include the relevant metadata for absolute channel gain values.


“Unable to reach Audient ORIA” during export in the SoundID Reference standalone app

If you have created a calibration profile with SoundID Reference Measure by selecting Audient ORIA as the input/output device, you can seamlessly export the resulting calibration profile to the audio interface.

The error “Unable to reach Audient ORIA” appears during the export process in SoundID Reference standalone app if the software is unable to communicate with the Audient ORIA application. You should make sure that the interface is connected to the computer and the control software is up to date and running.


3 - Unable to reach SIDR Systemwide.png


If the error keeps happening, please contact our support team for assistance. You can also export the calibration profile without this connection, in which case you will need to load the calibration profile in the Audient ORIA application manually.

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