Export your SoundID Reference calibration preset to Dolby Atmos Renderer Mastering Suite for a seamless calibrated monitoring experience.
In this article:
- Measuring multichannel systems
- Exporting the calibration profile
- Profile import in Dolby Atmos Renderer:
- What's included in the profile export?
Note: Dolby Atmos Mastering Suite EQ and Speaker Delay configuration can't match the exact calibration values in some cases due to the import resolution limits. For the most accurate calibration results, we recommend using the SoundID Reference plugin format.
Note: Profile export functionality requires a permanent license of SoundID Reference (not available with trial licenses).
Measuring multichannel systems
Supported export types: Speaker calibration profile - multichannel
To prepare your setup for the measurement, please ensure that:
- If your audio interface or speakers have EQs and/or delays applied to the speaker outputs, you have turned off both EQs and Speaker delays for all of the channels.
- If the bass management is applied to your setup, it is enabled before the measurement.
- The measurement microphone is connected to your audio interface’s microphone input with +48v phantom power
- For the measurements, you will need a microphone stand and an appropriate microphone clip for the measurement microphone. We highly recommend using both.
To begin, launch the SoundID Reference Measure app. The 5-stage measurement process will take around 40-50 min to complete, depending on the complexity of your setup configuration.
If you're having difficulties following the process, or if you're encountering any warnings, we recommend following this guide: Multichannel speaker measurement troubleshooting guide
Exporting the calibration profile
With the measurement process completed and a calibration profile saved, please follow these instructions:
- Launch SoundID Reference standalone app
- Open your calibration profile
- Choose one of the three target curves - Flat Target, Dolby Atmos Music, Custom Target
- Exporting a calibration profile for supported devices
IMPORTANT! The multichannel calibration profile can only be used as a Stereo (L/R channels) with SoundID Reference standalone app. If you need to adjust a Custom Target curve, you can playback media and listen to the changes you're making, the export will include the target mode selected and changes will apply to all the channels your system supports. Learn more here.
The export file will be saved as a text file containing all the information on each channel you have measured with the number of EQ lists covering Delay, Frequencies, and Gain. This data will have to be manually applied in the Dolby Atmos Mastering Suite software:
Speaker EQ correction
- Open the export text file and launch the Dolby Atmos Mastering Suite app
- In Dolby Atmos Mastering Suite access the Speaker Calibration option
- Select the Speaker EQ tab make sure the Left channel is selected and adjust the Gain values
- Adjust the gain for each Frequency according to the data in the export file
- Apply corrections to all your channels and Accept the changes
Speaker delay correction
- Open the export text file and launch the Dolby Atmos Mastering Suite app
- In Dolby Atmos Mastering Suite access the Speaker Calibration option
- Select the Gain/Delay tab make start with the Left channel and adjust the Delay value
- Correct Delay for each channel with the data from the export file
- Accept the changes
What's included in the profile export?
The exported calibration profile will include the following information and DSP settings adjustments by default:
- Calibration
- Target Mode
- Dry/Wet
- Listening Spot
- Limit Controls
- Preset Name
The exported calibration profile will not include the following information (your target device may use its own processing solutions for these DSP features):
- Output Gain: the gain control will take place on the integration device
- Filter Type: processing will take place on the integration device, using its own filter solution
- Safe Headroom: the values are exported in the profile, but might be applied differently on different integration devices
Note: Make sure that Calibration is Enabled before exporting the profile so that Calibration and all DSP settings are successfully included in the export.