Dark and Light appearance themes

Appearance settings

This feature allows you to change the appearance of the SoundID Reference app and the same can be done in the SoundID Reference plugin. By default, SoundID Reference appearance is a light theme. The appearance feature allows you to change the theme on the following options:

  • Light theme - default theme
  • Dark theme - dark mode theme
  • OS sync mode - a theme will be selected based on your OS settings


Can I set SoundID Reference to a Dark theme only?

Yes, simply turn off the "Sync with system settings" and enable the "Dark theme" option. This will make SoundID Reference use a Dark theme by default even if your OS settings have been set to a Light theme.   Screenshot_2021-11-11_at_13.44.26.png

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I think all VSTs should have themes and skins, etc. The dark theme is great for low light environments. Especially, if you have had too much to drink or smoke and need dim lights. Haha

Seriously, I applied for a job at an engineering firm where they would keep only dim lamps and covered the windows to make it easier on the eyes. Personally, I wasn't sure if I wanted to work in a dungeon. I do recall watching Trent Reznor working in dark studios. It does create the right vibes for making music, but I digress.

Last, I wish VSTs would let you adjust the text size for people with smaller screens like 14" laptops. One dial that makes the text smaller or bigger would kick bottom! :-P I had one VST that looked like the fine print at a cellphone store advert.


William Smith dark mode (and also the “Sync with OS” setting) is already available in both the standalone app and DAW plugin, so that's covered. 

Your text size adjustment feature request sounds interesting. For now, there is a Zoom feature available in the plugin format which already somewhat serves that purpose. Learn more here: Zoom feature in DAW plugin

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