This article provides information on multichannel calibration support in the SoundID Reference standalone app.
NOTE! The details in this article apply to SoundID Reference for Multichannel products.
Can I use a multichannel profile for systemwide calibration?
No, at launch, the SoundID Reference standalone app will not have full support for the multichannel profiles. Meaning, that the multichannel profile cannot be used for system-wide calibration.
What will SoundID Reference standalone app support?
From launch, multichannel profiles can be exported to supported devices from the standalone app. The multichannel profiles can also be adjusted before the export by selecting one of the target modes - Flat Target, Dolby Atmos Music, and Custom Target. To preview the changes, a multichannel profile will be used partially as a stereo system - L/R channels only for system-wide calibration, this will allow users to hear the changes they have applied in the target mode. Once done, the changes will apply to all the measured channels in the calibration profile used.
Is system-wide calibration coming for multichannel profiles?
We're planning to add this functionality eventually, however, there are no immediate development plans that would allow us to approximate the release window or any other ETA. We recommend staying in tune with our latest announcements and updates or subscribing to our newsletter at the bottom of the Sonarworks Blog page.