Where can I find my speaker profile?

Locating your speaker calibration files, backing them up, and transferring them to a different computer. 

In this article: 


Speaker profiles (calibration files)

Speaker profiles are created by measuring the frequency response of your speakers and room using a measurement microphone and the SoundID Reference Measure app. There are no pre-made speaker profiles available in the SoundID Reference software as the frequency response is unique to the room properties and speaker placement in the room.

If you haven't measured your speakers before, follow this guide: Setting up on speakers


Speaker calibration profiles are saved as .swproj files and stored in the Sonarworks Projects folder by default (unless a custom location was assigned by the user when saving the created profile).


Sonarworks Projects folder

The quickest and easiest way of accessing the Sonarworks Projects folder is by clicking on the 'Open an existing profile' option in the calibration profile selection dropdown menu. 

Once the needed profile (the .swproj file) has been located, it can backed up or transferred (copied) just like any other file. 




Navigating to the Sonarworks Projects folder manually

Important: The User/Library and user\AppData folders on macOS and Windows are hidden by default. To enable showing hidden files and folders, follow the instructions here: How to show hidden files on macOS and Windows?



Macintosh HD/Users/your_username/Library/Application Support/Sonarworks/SoundID Reference/ Sonarworks Projects



C:\Users\your_username\AppData\Local\Sonarworks\SoundID Reference\Sonarworks Projects


Note [macOS]: since version 5.4.0 (Oct 18, 2022) the "Sonarworks" folder has been moved from ~/Library/Sonarworks to ~/Library/Application Support/Sonarworks

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