Reference 4 conflicting with SoundID Reference

If you have SoundID Reference installed on your computer, you may encounter a"Reference 4 Systemwide is currently running" alert when trying to use Reference 4. This guide offers tips on how to resolve this alert.


In this article:

  1. "Reference 4 Systemwide is currently running" message
  2. How to quit SoundID Reference standalone app
  3. How to uninstall SoundID Reference app


"Reference 4 Systemwide is currently running" message

If when trying to run your Reference 4 Systemwide app another window pops up with a message saying that "Reference 4 Systemwide is currently running", this means that SoundID Reference software is installed on your computer and it will conflict with Reference 4 Systemwide app. 


SoundID Reference app also applies calibration on all outgoing system audio by creating a virtual audio driver. Because of this, both apps cannot be used at the same time and one needs to be closed so that it doesn't conflict with the other app. We do suggest using the newest version of Sonarworks Reference software called SoundID Reference but if you do wish to continue using Reference 4 Systemwide app, please either fully quit SoundID Reference software or uninstall it completely. 


How to quit SoundID Reference standalone app

If you plan to use SoundID Reference app at some point in the future, you can keep it on your computer. Please click here to read an article on how to properly quit SoundID Reference app. 

Please note that in order to avoid SoundID Reference app from auto launching next time the computer is restarted, please make sure that 'Launch on startup' is disabled from the Preferences menu. To do this please: 

  • Open the drop-down menu from the top-right corner of the app and click on Preferences


  • Please make sure that 'Launch on startup' is set to 'Off'



How to uninstall SoundID Reference app

If you do not plan to use the SoundID Reference app anymore, it can be uninstalled completely. Please refer to this article on how to do that for Windows - How to uninstall SoundID Reference [Win] and macOS - How to uninstall SoundID Reference [Mac]


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