How to install/revert to a Legacy version

Step-by-step instructions for installing or reverting to 5.9/5.2 Legacy versions of SoundID Reference, in case you experience an issue, or your operating system is incompatible with the latest Release version.


In this article:


Installing the 5.9 Legacy version

If you're having any issues with the latest update of SoundID Reference, or your operating system is unsupported on later versions, you can install/revert to the 5.9 Legacy version. For compatibility details, see this guide: SoundID Reference software releases (component matrix and support status).

Follow these instructions to install the 5.9 Legacy version: 

  1. Uninstall the current version fully:
  2. Download and launch the online installer
  3. Click on Customize and select the Legacy version from the drop-down menu
  4. In case there is an issue using the online installer, use full offline installers here:


Note: Follow the linked uninstall instructions carefully, make sure to remove all remaining files and components, and back up your speaker profiles before uninstalling.


59 legacy.png


Changes that will apply with 5.9 Legacy


The 5.9 Legacy version will exclude features released in later versions. This includes support for certain integrations, like Audient ORIA. See details in Release notes.


Installing the 5.2 Legacy version

If you're having any issues with the latest update of SoundID Reference, or your operating system is unsupported on later versions, you can install/revert to the 5.2 Legacy version. For compatibility details, see this guide: SoundID Reference software releases (component matrix and support status)

Follow these instructions to install the 5.2 Legacy version: 

  1. Uninstall the current version fully:
  2. Download and launch the online installer
  3. Click on Customize and select the Legacy version from the drop-down menu
  4. In case there is an issue using the online installer, use full offline installers here:

Note: Follow the linked uninstall instructions carefully, make sure to remove all remaining files and components, and back up your speaker profiles before uninstalling.




Changes that will apply with 5.2 Legacy


The 5.2 Legacy version will exclude features released in later versions. This includes support for Multichannel calibration, Virtual Monitoring Add-on, native support for Apple Silicon (works via the Rosetta translation environment only), and new file locations for macOS specifically. See details in the Release notes.


If you have been using the latest version of SoundID Reference, make sure to back up and move your speaker profiles from the new Sonarworks Projects directory to the Legacy location instead:


Version 5.4 or later: Macintosh HD/Users/your username/Library/Application Support/Sonarworks/SoundID Reference/Sonarworks Projects
Version 5.3 or older: Macintosh HD/Users/your username/Library/Sonarworks/SoundID Reference/Sonarworks Projects


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