Santiago Vanegas

  • Total activity 5
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Latest activity by Santiago Vanegas
  • Santiago Vanegas created a post,

    Mastering workflow question


    I'm approaching the mastering phase of my first album. My workflow question: Is it best to master one track at a time, or the full length bounced album (in one stereo track), or some other way. I'm...

    Santiago Vanegas 2 followers 1 comment 0 votes
  • Santiago Vanegas created a post,

    Room Treatment 1 or 2

    Hello there,I'm doing my SoundID speaker calibration (2.0 system). I've made two separate calibrations with different room treatment tweaks. Both "before" frequency response curves are very similar...

    Santiago Vanegas 1 follower 0 comments 0 votes