Multiple Interfaces at Multiple Sample Rates!

Not planned
I would love to be able to run my Prism with Systemwide in 48 or 96, while having my Grace Design M905digital as a second interface at 44.1 for iTunes. That way I can switch between the two while working via the button on my monitor controller, and always hear the sonarworks profile! Without having to click open systemwide, close logic, or use the plugin on the master bus that I always forget to turn off!

1 comment



Thanks for your post and this feature request! 

It sounds like you would benefit from a multi-output feature in SoundID Reference. Unfortunately, this is not currently possible, but we do hear a request here and there from other users for this as well, so we are aware of this being a requested feature. I have taken note of your feedback for our Product team for further consideration, thank you! 

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