SoundID Crashing on Sleep - Windows 11


My SoundID Reference app constantly crashes every time my PC goes to sleep. It has been happening ever since upgrading to SoundID from the old Reference 4. At first I gave it a grace period since I knew it may not be Windows 11 compatible yet, but now it supposedly is and this issue is supposed to have been fixed.

I'm running the latest version of SoundID, and the latest version of Windows 11. My PC runs in High Performance mode and doesn't suspend any processes on sleep, and I run SoundID in Virtual Windows Audio Device mode. How can I resolve this? It's very frustrating having to restart the application every time I sit down at my computer.


Official comment

Hi Dylan,

Thanks for your post! Sorry to hear you are encountering this issue.

We are aware of some power-state-related issues with SoundID Reference. The issue can manifest itself as SoundID Reference Virtual Audio Device missing from the output list after computer sleep, screensaver or idle time. We are working on resolving this and we have a support article for the issue here: No sound or distorted output after computer sleep [WIN].

With that said, can you please let us know what output device you are using and which driver type you are using in SoundID Reference? You can refer to this article for the driver types available in SoundID Reference: [WIN] Audio driver types in the standalone app.

Thanks in advance for any details! 


so did you solve the problem ?

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