is it posible to calibrate auratones?


I have a pair of new Auratones and a pair Kali Audio. I have done the calibration process with the Kalis, but my current room is so small that I gave up using the Kalis here (bass is unusable), so I have to depend on the Auratones, that I am still learning . 

As a workaround for using SoundID and enjoy some room correction,  I made a copy of the profile I created for the Kalis and just selected a custom target to only apply the correction aprox. between 200Hz and 10kHz, so it is  letting the Auratones be Auratones (by ignoring the correction) on frequencies the Auratones cannot play.  But still correcting some room problems(that were measured with the Kalis), assuming that the 5c are as flat or close to the Kalis between 200Hz and 10kHz but I really dont know that.

So I did set those frequencies by ear, and I notice it really improves with SoundID enabled.  but I wonder if there is a better way to use the Auratones and still enjoy some room correction. 

I was thinking I to repeat the calibration using the Auratones,  but since that will expect a flat response speaker probably it will not work, and I wonder if there is some way to do the calibration measurement ignoring some frequency ranges. 


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