Sound ID Reference glitches on ASIO driver for Focusrite Scarlett 4i4 Gen 4



I have a Focusrite Scarlett 4i4 Gen 4 on which I just reinstall latest drivers following multiple issues (sound drop, shuttering, glitches etc.) on Windows 11. Now that the latest drivers are reinstalled and computer rebooted couple times, I set up Sound ID Reference standalone app (latest version) to use the ASIO over USB output and put a headphones profile. However after a few seconds of playback, the sound quality is terrible, with some high frequency noise clicking every second or so and it makes my Beyer Dynamic DT 990 Pro headphones sound like crap. This bug doesn't occur when the app is not running thus the problem comes from there.

There is also a Focusrite Thunderbolt ASIO output listed but I get an error message when trying to use it, even though it's connected to a thunderbolt port with thunderbolt cable.

Does anyone know a fix for this ? I always had bad experiences with this app and start to loose both hope and patience.

Thank you.


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