Hi there,
Just trying to get started with the trial of Sound ID Ref and Measure.
Problem is really right at the start of the measurement process.
I adjust my output to conversation level as it requests…then in the next step, it plays test sound and asks me to adjust mic gain. To get the level to hit the green tick in that step, I have to apply around 45dB of gain. This seems excessive and also resulted in some of the further tests clipping the mic input. (If this is normal then ok, why woudn't it tell you - hey if the mic is clipping on these test, don't worry about it!)
So, not really trusting this and not wanting to go much further, I uninstalled with the directions on the website, then reinstalled again.
Afterwards, same deal…and then at the mic gain step when I went to adjust the gain on my interface, the program stopped outputting sound and didn't start again even when replaying the steps in the measurement program.
First thoughts are issues with UAD hardware or my particular OSX version but I'm struggling to find anything on the forums that matches. Any help from Sound ID team or others welcome!
(All preamps and mic cables know to be working 100% by the way!)
Macbook Pro M1, OSX Ventura 13.5, UAD Apollo 8, UAD software version 11.4
Sound ID reference mic used - 38F438