Why does Sonarworks keep making me come back to your site in order to use the plugin, the other day I was working remote, had everything but internet, and just when I needed to use Sound ID, I couldn't. It kept trying to get me to get online, what is the deal? I lost hours of work that i just had to do without the plugin. This is ridiculous. And now i'm on here and have no clue why it was trying to get me to get on the site. Can you please explain? My Sound ID is still not working. All I get is a message that says “We'll take you to the web browser, and then bring you back here”? for what? Sorry i'm so upset but I have a ton of work to do and I can't because i'm having to spend time figuring out what the glitch is. I'm on a Macbook Air 2023 with Sonoma, and using Ableton as DAW if that helps. Let me know what the problem is.
Why does Sonarworks keep making me come back to your site in order to use the plugin
1 comment
Thanks for posting Bill Torres!
SoundID Reference requires an online computer to function (there is no offline activation available). What this means in reality is that the software will “call home” every 5-10 days to confirm the activation status. If there is no internet connection available, it will lock up until the connection is reestablished. So it is possible to go short stretches being offline (a few days), but generally speaking, offline use is not supported.
I'm sorry to hear you are getting stuck offline. This is essentially an anti-piracy measure, and this requirement is clearly stated in the ‘System requirements’ section of our product descriptions.
Or is there an additional issue here, are you unable to activate it once you are back online? Let me know if I've missed anything, thank you!