Hello, I just bought the stereo 2.0 license online with the microphone. I just received the microphone and to my surprise the microphone is not like the picture on your website. I can also compare my new microphone with my friend's microphone who lent his so that I could try the temporary license! His microphone is much heavier and is exactly like the picture displayed on the official sonarworks website and my new microphone feels really lighter and cheep and the tip of the microphone is not the same as the one on the official website and my friend's microphone! So can someone answer me, why is my microphone not like on the sonarworks website??? On the attached photo, my new microphone is the one on top and my friend's microphone is the one on the bottom with the little notches at the end like the microphone like the picture on the official website!?!?
1 comment
Patrick Ménard thanks for posting!
You are correct, the microphone design was updated earlier this year. The mic spec is also described in this article: SoundID Reference Measurement Microphone and calibration profiles
The exact specification of the current version is linked in the product descriptions in the Sonarwroks Store. I have also linked those resources for you here (all three revisions):
To make it more simple though, here are two key differences with the new version:
The changes were implemented as a result of rising manufacturing and shipping costs. To avoid increasing the microphone price for our customers, we had to redesign it and find a way to reduce the manufacturing costs and shipping expenses (weight) while retaining the same accuracy as the earlier versions.
The new design was a success, and in fact, the new version has a slightly better signal-to-noise-noise ratio (see the manual linked above). Let us know if you have any additional questions thank you!