iOS Mobile Version For SoundID Reference

Not planned

I have to assume it cannot be done as it's not already a thing, but I really miss having my headphone calibration and virtual monitoring (crossfeed) options when listening to music on my iPhone.

At home I simply listen to music via my laptop when using headphones (or, of course, in my studio on my speakers), but when I'm on-the-go I don't have the option. :(

So, that's my feature request: a mobile version for iOS.


1 comment

Official comment

Brian Pylant there is no mobile version of SoundID Reference. However, there is the SoundID mobile app, which is our consumer-oriented product line. SoundID offers personalized sound for music playback, as opposed to the flat reference sound that SoundID Reference provides to music creators.

Although the mobile app doesn't have a crossfeed feature, it is based on the same profile library as the Reference product line. On top of that, there are the Hearing and Preference tests for the personalization adjustments. Learn more here: SoundID™ sound personalization


Note: it is important to understand that personalized music playback with SoundID is currently available only on Android (via our own mobile app), or via Enabled Devices (without an Enabled Device, there no playback options for iOS):

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