Hi there,
I am having issues with updating SoındID Reference for Headphones from vers to
Always facing below secreen.
Anybody else facing same issue?
Some parts are in Turkish language but I am sure you can get it.
"Calling a constructor of type "InstallerBootstrapper.MainWindow" that matches the specified binding constraints returned an exception."

Onur Arslan thanks for posting!
I can see that you also have a support request submitted, and your latest message clarifying that you've already resolved the issue - very glad to hear that. Can you comment on what the solution was? Many thanks!
Hi again,
I just tried to use current version uploaded on my PC ( and noticed that it didn't work at all. There was a problem with program.
Then I went to Sonarworks website and downloaded the latest version.
Then I've uploaded and it worked without any error message.
I hope it helps for everyone experiencing the same problem.