(I haven't been able to get more than a list of stock starter questions back from Sonarworks support so far, with no real acknowledgment of what I actually wrote and sent, but maybe someone else has encountered this and found a solution. For posterity, all of this was with version
I have a brand new Oria and bought it with Sonarworks. Calibration repeatedly fails, though at different steps (e.g., Room Response, or Volume Measurement).
On advice from Audient, (whose support people actually do read what you write and respond) I went back and checked the SoundID Reference Measure Hardware setup page. All channels did seem to be mapped to the proper Oria channels. However, testing thoroughly, the test tones for Ltr and Rtr do not sound. All other channel test tones sound and in the correct speakers. That is, in SoundID Reference Measurement, in the right of the screen shot, all buttons with a “play” triangle and the word Test play the test tone properly EXCEPT the ones for Ltr and Rtr. Similarly, clicking the speaker positions further to the right sounds test tones in the proper speakers for all but Ltr and Rtr.
The Mac and Oria -are- configured correctly. -All- test tones, including Ltr and Rtr, sound properly from Audio MIDI Setup (when SoundID isn't running and their sound driver hasn't hijacked the sysem, at least). Further, the Dolby 7.1.4 Channel ID track on Apple Music properly sounds each channel.
Any ideas on how to get Ltr and Rtr to play test tones, which I am hoping will then also get them the calibration tones playing properly and let calibration complete?
(For perspective, I am moving to this Oria from a Focusrite 8 Pre, BSS BluDAN DANTE-BluLink Interface, JBL Intonato 24 combo. I was able to get that conglomeration working and calibrated my system in less time than I've spent debugging Sonarworks already. Extremely disappointed.)
FOLLOWUP - Generic non-Oria calibration runs, but doesn't EQ Ltr or Rtr?
If you tell Sonarworks you are calibrating a generic system INSTEAD of an Oria, you can get a calibration to run to completion. You do need to remap the speakers in the hardware setup screen, but it will run.
I was able to export the profile to the Oria app using the instructions here: Exporting a calibration profile for Audient ORIA
(However, I had to be scolded by a dialog box that I hadn't used the Oria measurement flow before it would export. Yeah, being able to use that would have been super if it worked.)
However, after import, LTR and RTR do not appear to be calibrated. Their EQ curves are flat, unlike the other 10 speakers.
By the way, there REALLY should be a step in the Measure app reminded you to go set and turn on Crossover for all of the speakers after it creates the New Measurement profile. Even if you have 80Hz set for the ear-levels and heights, Measure will make a new profile with crossovers OFF and set to 100Hz. I remembered the first five times, and of course, on the experiment that partially worked, I forgot.
That makes 2 of us w/ the same Ltr Rtr calibration issue. I'm putting in a ticket so I'll let you know what I hear.
Hey Patrick - There's a software update for Reference. It ddn't work in my case, maybe yours?
Thanks, David. I'll give it a shot over the weekend. I am seeing upon reinstall vs. the before.
(I had actually uninstalled it completely because the SoundID Reference virtual sound device was hijacking my sound all of a sudden yesterday.)
I tried SoundID Reference Measure Oria calibration mode again and Ltr and Rtr test tones still weren't sounding, even after manual channel reassignment. So, I decided to try non-Oria mode again and… I think it worked.
Here's the update I just provided to Sonarworks on my ticket:
Ok… I decided to try the non-Oria mode again. Before calibrating, I turned off LW/RW/LTM/RTM and set all crossovers to 80Hz and On.
Calibration completed and this time -did- create Ltr and Rtr curves, unlike last time.
Export to Oria hung the app the first time, but I was able to kill Sound ID Reference, try again, and get it to work. Of course, I had to do all of the crossover settings again after importing the profile to the Oria since it wrote them at 100Hz and Off. I was then also able to do an export with the Dolby calibration curve layered.
Again, this was calibrating an Oria by -not- using the Oria mode so as to get around the Ltr Rtr bug.
I see a few fixes needed:
1. Oria mode needs to properly address Ltr / Rtr.
2. There should be better handling of bass management so manual setting of 11 channels isn't needed before and after calibration.
3. Export bug direct to Oria should be fixed.
For now, though, I have two seemingly functioning Oria Profiles, one with and one without the Dolby curve applied.