Win 11 - no sound after opening system from hibernation



Is it bug or normal behavior that Sound ID audio engine does not work after reopening system from hibernation? (Sound ID is a default audio driver in my system) The only way to make it working again is closing and reopening SoundID app. 

Thanks for help



Official comment

Hi Lukas, thanks for reaching out, sorry to hear you are encountering some trouble.

Historically, there have been some issues with SoundID Reference outputting sound after computer sleep/hibernation/idle time and it might still be present for some Windows users, see our guide here: [WIN] No sound or distorted output after computer sleep.

Can you let us know what is the driver type you are have set up in SoundID Reference with your output device? The Virtual Windows audio to ASIO driver should not have this issue, so if you are using another driver, we can recommend setting up with this one (see guide here: [WIN] Virtual Windows audio to ASIO driver (WASAPI to ASIO)).


Hi Zane 

Thanks for reply.  I have checked now the links that you posted.  I use Virtual Windows audio driver, for processing Windows audio stream.  Here is the problem (for DAW I use plugin on master channel/monitoring section which always work fine). And as in your link been stated, I always resolve this by reopening  SoundID app. But this is kind of workaround.  That's why I posted here for finding real solution to have SoundID active right after opening computer from hibernation. As I understand, there is no real solution for that yet? 


Hi, thanks for your reply and for specifying a bit further on the issue.

Yes, if you are using the Virtual Windows Audio driver, then the issue with no sound after sleep/hibernation may be present. I will open up a support request on your behalf, so we can gather some additional details and link your ticket to the development task we have open for this issue. 

And yes, at the moment, relaunching SoundID Reference after hibernation would be a workaround for this issue. 

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