Any SW Software Work Longer Than 10 Days Without Internet?

Not planned

I'm moving my equipment to a studio without an internet connection, and I need to know if any of Sonarworks software will work for longer than 10 days without needing to repeatedly verify the license. As my previous posts have mentioned, I find it ridiculous that SoundID Reference is designed to require online access after the initial verification, and now I'm concerned that I just won't be able to use it anymore. I'd be willing to downgrade back to Reference 4 if it'll work offline. Please get back to me. Thanks.


Official comment

Hi Joshua Losey, thanks for your post, sorry for missing this!

Reference 4 can work offline, so it should not log you out/require to reactivate the license after 10 days once you have activated. I'm afraid SoundID Reference does not have an offline mode, so it will log you out after up to 10 days of being offline, an internet connection is required in order to use SoundID Reference (more on this here: Using SoundID Reference offline). 


Nevermind. Like always, you've taken way too long to respond (18 days since my first post). I uninstalled SoundID and went back to using Reference 4. I'll see if this old version can work for more than 10 days without a connection even though I paid for this software and it absolutely should.


Now I'm starting to regret paying to upgrade from Reference 4 to SoundID. Thanks for the information though.


WOW! I was literally about to pay for the upgrade during the last day of the Spring sale, good thing I saw this. What a pile of BS, it should 100% work offline like Reference 4 does. I'll stick to Reference 4, which has served me well for years. Also, the systemwide feature of SoundID is a complete fail on Ventura. 


Thanks for commenting. Maybe if more people post about their displeasure with Sonarworks, they'll fix some of these problems.

Before I uninstalled it, SoundID Reference made over a million connection attempts that were blocked by my firewall. Why would it ever need to connect that badly? It's starting to feel like they're becoming more of a data mining business than an audio software one. That, or they're overly paranoid about people pirating their software, so they've made it impossible to use without it being monitored. Either way, Sonarworks needs to knock it off.


I was about to upgrade to the new version from Reference 4 studio today when I found out about this customer-hostile move to online-only. As mentioned in a comment on the support article, if I have to ask your permission every 10 days to use the software I already paid for, I don't really own my license. Please bring back offline use. I'd actually prefer something like iLok to a machine-specific authorization, but even going back to the way 4 worked would be a major improvement.

I don't subscribe to software (which is what a periodic reactivation requirement amounts to) even if there's no additional money due.

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