Spiking CPU


Hi. Just built a new PC and installed SoundID. No other plug ins in song, CPU is i9 14900k, 64gb RAM, M2 ssd etc. No spec issues and no other plug ins on new song in Studio One 6.

As soon as I add Sound ID the CPU usage will bounce up and down from none to max. If I change the buffer size the speed of this bouncing slows but still occurs.

No other plug ins cause this issue. I've tried some pretty intensive ones and none trouble the CPU.

Any ideas?



Hi johnpaullappin thanks for your post, sorry to hear about this!

I see you have also created a support ticket regarding this issue, we'll look further into the problem with the additional information you provided.


Hi there. Any updates on this? Thanks.


i have the same issue as well


Check your motherboard settings in the BIOS. Turn off any sort of CPU boosting tech that might be on. Especially if you have a MSI motherboard. This solved it for me. 


Interesting. I have the Asus proart. I will check tomorrow to see if I find anything. Do u remember what exactly you turned of?


I think it was this, and anything else that might be similar https://youtu.be/IXq1t7vQ7ik?si=Lnoq6NNyE_y0xmtj

Do you have one of the newer Intel chips? I think they cause it. I also under locked mine very slightly. 

It's something about the multi core boosting that causes spikes but I don't really understand it. 


I posted earlier today about resolving the spike. Has to do with the way the DAW and the plugin handles multithreading. Simply change the DAW's cpu core count via the Windows affinity option in task manager.

Read my previous post to get a better idea of resolving issue.



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