Right channel low mid significantly different

Not planned

I've just upgraded my monitors to Adam S2Vs.  This change highlighted something that's occuring in my measurements for the room using Sonarworks Reference 4.  Bear with me as I'm asking about a feature in SoundID.  Is it possible to make the curve for the low end and low mid more similar with left and right speakers after the measurements have been made?  There's an artifact of these stereo curves that actually sounds like the right speaker is creating weird bass harmonics into the low mid.  It actually sounds like a slightly broken driver (it's not broken though as it's brand new!)  The output levels on my desk look like the signal is panned until you bypass Sonarworks - certain bass signals sound panned also and this sounds wrong.

A feature suggestion to fix this would be an option to make the low end parts of the curve the same for each speaker automatically because discrepancy here is really audible and undesirable. 

Does the curve customization feature in SoundID make this manually possible without too much fiddling?

Thank you

1 comment



Thanks for your post! 

The best option would be to use the Custom Target mode to adjust the target curve: Custom Target. Unfortunately, it is not possible to adjust the curve to be the same for each speaker automatically.

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