SoundID Reference: Slow to very slow initialization


Since the last update (to 5.7.2) it takes a medium to long time (sometimes minutes) for SoundID to finish initializing on startup and finally display the "SoundID is running" notification. Up to that point, the system defaults to the video monitor speakers(!). What changed?

(Windows 10 Pro 22H2 x64, multiple USB audio devices)



Hi Mark,

Thanks for reaching out, sorry to hear you are encountering some trouble! 

For some basic troubleshooting steps, I can recommend deleting the systemwide config file and reinstalling the software if the issue persists, see our guides below:

If the problem continues, can you let us know whether you have SoundID Reference set to launch automatically on startup (check this in the standalone app's settings)? If yes, can you try disabling the automatic launch on startup and launch the app manually after a couple of minutes during startup to allow your system to first initialize? 

Let us know how it goes!


Best regards,





Hi Lee Dalei, thanks for your comment, sorry to hear you are encountering an issue!

I noticed from your support ticket that you are encountering a known issue with the SoundID Reference app freezing - unfortunately, this issue has not yet been tackled, our team is still investigating it. We'll make sure to update you as well as the support guide once we have any news on the fix.

In case anyone else is encountering an issue with the SoundID Reference app freezing on macOS, please send in a support request so we can check on it closer and report further. 


Update: the standalone app freeze on macOS has been resolved with the updated, released on Mar 14, 2024.

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