Setting up with Individual Headphone Calibration

If you own the individually calibrated headphones or have your headphones individually calibrated by Sonarworks, you can add the individual headphone calibration profile to the SoundID Reference app and plugin.

In this article:

Add a new output for your IHC profile

In SoundID Reference, the headphone profile setup is done by selecting your calibration profile. Once you have added your output device, you have the ability to add/assign your Individual Headphone Calibration (IHC) profile. 


Enter your calibration profile ID

The calibration ID can be found on a label on your headphones. SoundID Reference will automatically load your IHC from our database and assign it for your preset:

  1. Click on Select your calibration profile
  2. Add headphones
  3. Individual Calibration
  4. Input your unique calibration ID
  5. Select profile





Setting up IHC in SoundID Reference DAW plugin

Adding your individual calibration profile in the SoundID Reference plugin differs from SoundID Reference. In the top section of the plugin click on the Select your calibration profile and select Add Headphones:

  1. Click on Add new preset
  2. Proceed to Select your calibration profile > Add headphones
  3. Click on Individual Calibration
  4. Input your unique calibration ID
  5. Click on Select profile




Once you have selected the profile it will be applied as a preset in the Preset list on the left. Further adjustments can be done in the Target mode section. Here you can find more information on Custom Target and Translation Check modes.

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