SoundID freezes Wavelab Pro 11.2 and Cubase 12.0.70 when changing sample rate


Hello Sonarworks Team!
Some time ago, I reported to Support an issue with Wavelab Pro hanging when trying to change the sample rate in the project.

Now I have a similar problem in Cubase - changing the sample rate in the project, or trying to open a project with a different sample rate than the one that was previously opened, causes Cubase to freeze.

In both cases this is caused by the SoundID plugin - this has been checked and confirmed many times. Removing SoundID from the Playback Section in Wavelab Pro 11.2 and from the Control Room in Cubase 12 solves the problem in both cases.

So what is the current situation regarding solving this problem?
I had to give up using SoundID for now because freezing seriously hindered my work. It should not be like that.

Here is link to Procdump dump file in Dropbox: 

And here is screenshot from my thread on Steinberg Forum:


Official comment

Hi Amadeusz Kuba Majerczyk, thanks for your post, sorry to hear there are some problems encountered!

I do see you have reported an issue to us regarding WaveLab - we have created a development report on our end for our developers to further investigate this issue. We will make sure to follow up with you once there are any updates on the fix.

I will open up a support request on your behalf regarding the Cubase issue mentioned in your post - we will look into it!  


Hi, thanks for your comments!

We have opened a development report on our end regarding the issue with Cubase, WaveLab, and Nuendo freezing with SoundID Reference plugin when changing the sample rate. Daniel Dumitru and Gerhard Kragleder I will open up support requests on your behalf, so we can link your cases to the task as well. 

In case anyone else encounters the same or similar issue, please submit a support request.


Hi Joseph Peretore, thanks for your comment! 

I see you have already submitted a ticket to our support team regarding this issue and your case has been linked to the development task we have open for it. The issue is not fixed in the SoundID Reference beta version, so it may still persist. We will make sure to follow up in the tickets as well as in this community post as soon as we have any news on a fix (at the moment, there's no ETA yet, sorry about that). 


Ivan Sofic You're on Windows, right? If so the workaround for now is to just replace the VST3 version with the VST2 version of SoundID in your control room.  It works just fine when changing sample rates


Just to confirm that the same scenario described in the previous messages is also happening in the new Cubase 14 Pro. Note that as of version 14, Steinberg decided not to support VST2 anymore, they can work when scanning is turned on manually. Why I say this is because still Cubase crashes when selecting the VST3 version of SoundID Reference last installed version, in Control Room and when sample rate change happens, Cubase freezes. It is very strange to me that this problem has existed for almost a year and has not been solved. Why, is a question for Sonarworks developers.

Windows 11 24H2
SoundID version 5.12 build 50
Scarlett Solo 3rd gen driver 4.119.13


I have the same issue. After updating I also bought theVirtual Monitoring
Add-on. Which is great. The next day I also went to listen to an old project at a different sample rate. Cubase stuck. Boot back up with plugins disabled. Saving the project like this and then opening it again worked fine. But when switching to a project with a different sample rate, Cubase freezes again. SoundID sits in the control room. After removing this, I can open projects again without any problems. So I installed the legacy version. Everything works again, but of course I can't use the Add-on now.


Hi Paul van der Vleuten, thank you for your comment, sorry to hear there is an issue present.

I will open up a support ticket on your behalf, so we can gather some additional details and link your case to the development task as well. 


Hi, have exactly same problem.


Hi Paul Preston - I will open up a support request with you as well, so we can link your case to the development task. 

In case anyone else encounters the same or similar issue, please feel free to submit a support request as well.

Same problem, Cubase 13 with the plugin in the control room

I can confirm the issue - Cubase 12.0.70 crash when changing sample rate.
(v1.7.x works well)


Hi everyone, 

Happy new year ! 

I have a similar problem (Not in cubase though). When changing the sample rate via Rme Totalmix (using a Rme UFX mk1 interface) SoundId will crash causing windows to change audio output etc. 

Haven't tried in Cubase 12 yet as I usually change samplerate before launching my daw. Also I've noticed that, after changing sample rates, SoundId will start a new profile. 

Is there anyway to use different sample rates within the same profil/preset ?

Best regards, 



Hi James Chancé, thanks for your comment! Sorry to hear about this.

It sounds like you are encountering an issue with the SoundID Reference standalone app, not the plugin. SoundID Reference should be able to adjust to the sample rate you set without crashing. Can you let us know whether this issue appeared with a recent SoundID Reference, OS, or other component update by any chance? 

In general, yes, it should be possible to use the same output and profile with the desired sample rate without any crashes occurring. I will also open up a support request on your behalf, so we can gather some additional details on this. 


I just wanted to add that I am having the exact same issue with changing the sample rate with Win 11 (most recent stable release as of writing), Cubase 13.0.20 and SoundID Reference 5.9.0 VST3 loaded into one of the control room insert slots. Changing the sample rate or opening a project with a different sample rate hangs Cubase. I submitted a ticket back on November 23rd of 2023 but support at the time said they couldn't reproduce the issue. My support ticket number was 156779. 

I also want to add that i just installed the beta of SoundID 5.9.1 Build 2 #561c4f6 and can confirm the issue persists. Please let me know if there is a future build you'd like me to test that attempts to address this issue. Glad I'm not alone.


I have the same problem as the peretore user, Cubase 13 freezes when changing the sample rate. When I remove SoundID from Control Room, the problem disappears.

Cubase 13.0.21, SoundID 5.9.1 build 3


Hi Ivan Sofic, thanks for your comment, sorry to hear you are encountering this issue as well. I will open up a support request on your behalf, so we can link your case to the development task for this issue on our end. 

In the meantime, as mentioned by Joseph Peretore already, you can try using the SoundID Reference VST2 plugin instead. Thank you!

We have also added a support article for this issue here: Cubase freeze with the VST3 plugin (it will be updated as we have any news on the fix).


To peretore: Thanks for the advice. Yes, Windows 11. I changed to the VST2 version of the plugin. So far there are no problems when uploading a project with a different bitrate. I hope that the bug in the VST3 version will be fixed soon.

Best Regards



Unfortunately I am having the same problem with crashing/hanging on sample rate change when SoundID is inserted in the Control Room section of Cubase Pro 13.

I use SoundID in Cubase's Control Room so that it reports the latency back to Cubase for overdubbing etc. In a System Wide app it doesn't crash Cubase but it adds latency, admittedly this may only be small, but any latency is bad for tracking and overdubs.

System based on: Apple M1, Ventura 13.6.3, SoundID Reference, Cubase Pro 13.0.20 and UAD Twin-X (11.1.0)


Hi Carl Rosamond, thanks for reaching out, sorry to hear you are encountering this issue as well. 

I will open up a support ticket on your behalf, so we can link your case to the development task. We'll make sure to follow up once we have any updates on the fix. 


I just want to mention that I am having the same issue as everyone else. Cubase 13 hangs during opening with SoundID reference in the control room inserts.


Hi Nate Kotila, thanks for reaching out, sorry to hear you are encountering this issue. 

I will open up a support ticket on your behalf as well, so we can link your case to the development task. We will follow up once we have any updates on the fix. 


VST 2 is also supported in cubase 14, see that in manger plugins there is a button at the bottom of the window that activates vst 2


Yes, I know, I'm using the VST2 version. I just want to say that since version 14 Steinberg stops supporting VST2 plugins, they have to be loaded manually. I assume that the next versions will not support loading VST2 plugins at all. And the problem with the VST3 version still exists.

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