SoundID causes Cubase to hang




Hi Mark Montgomery, thanks for your post, sorry to hear there is an issue!

I have opened a support request on your behalf regarding this issue, so our team can look further into it. Thanks!


same problem on all my systems (6PC wiht Windows10/Cubase12/13)


I'm having the same issue!


Hi Mark Tapply and Mathe Kessler, thanks for your comments, sorry to hear you are encountering the issue as well. 

This is a known issue with Cubase/Wavelab/Nuendo freezing if the SoundID Reference plugin is instantiated when switching the sample rate or when switching to a project with a different sample rate - our team is aware of this issue and we're looking into it. 

I will open up support requests on your behalf, so we can gather some additional details and link your tickets to the development task.

In case anyone else encounters the same or similar issue, please submit a support request.


I have the same problem. I am on Cubase 13 Pro version 13.0.41 

Windows 11 Pro with latest updates.

Audio interface : MOTU 896 mk3 Hybrid USB/FW with latest driver


Marcel Couture sorry to hear you are also getting stuck with this!

I have created a support request on your behalf to have a closer look. Meanwhile, the workaround is reverting to v5.6 as shown here: Cubase freeze with the VST3 plugin.


Does Sonarworks still have the same issue about Cubase hanging on startup? What about the new Cubase Pro 14? 

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