problems and bugs with version 5.8 soundID


SoundID is completely broken and unusable with version 5.8 it was a mistake to update, seeing as the previous version worked great for me. Basically, to hear the audio from the Mac I have to exit the soundID app, I have a UAD.


Official comment

Hi all,

We have released a new SoundID Reference update (v5.9.1.3) today, Jan 24, 2024, which includes a fix for the SoundID Reference missing from sound output settings on macOS issue. download and install here

With this update, the SoundID Reference audio device should be available in Mac Sound settings and Audio MIDI when the SoundID Reference app is running. For those encountering this issue with the previous versions, we recommend updating to the latest version.

If there is an issue remaining after installing the update, please check the steps mentioned on what to check additionally here: [MAC] No sound / no calibration effect

Thank you for your patience while we were working on resolving this issue. Let us know how it is working for you! 


The new Sound ID is totally broken, I cannot watch videos with it on or even listen to music from SoundCloud I have to shut down systemwide , and then later when I want systemwide back on the system cannot find it. Catalina 10.15 , newest Sound ID 



I have the same issue, and I am also using Ventura 13.5.2 and UAD. I thought you had fixed the problems you have had for quite a long time now. I can not recommend any MAC owner at the time being to buy ReferenceID. I will ease my ReferenceID and work without it in my studio until you have fixed your MAC issues. 


mac big sur can't open apps at all


Mac Catalina, Sound id is not working since 5.7.3.

How can we get our money back???


I have the same issue as the above users running 5.8.0 on a Mac with Ventura 13.5.2 using a Universal Audio interface. I tried un-installing following the steps done on the website with no luck and now it has rendered Sonarworks SoundID Reference useless making my workflow slower because I have to relearn a curve I was used to when mixing through your software. Why implement an update without thoroughly testing on Mac? This is so frustrating..


Sound ID Reference Systemwide v is completely broken and does not show up as an output device on Apple M1Max Studio running Ventura 13.6.1.  I've had a many issues with the stability of SoundID on Apple silicon for the past year and would have expected Sonarworks would have this sorted out by now. When is this going to be fixed? I'm tired of the whole remove it and re-install it again (I've lost count how many times I had to do this). It only breaks again. Very frustrating.


Unable to get Sound ID Reference to see system audio from the selected outputs. Using UAD. It is also not an option in System Settings as an Output. 


Having troubles with the output sound with the update version 5.8 I was ok with an older version 5.2.3 and now I cannot go back to that one. I have uninstall the soundId from my Mac and run the dmg install selecting custome option and clicking the 5.2.3 version and when it’s done and open the SoundId appears the 5.8 version again!! I cannot work with this issue. Please your support with that!!


I have done all of the above, everything works fine except the system wide software. It does not show up within my output settings. I've uninstalled and replaced the driver numerous times. Nothing is muted within Audio Midi setup. The only way it works is if I force quit Sound ID within activity monitor. 


Same issue using 5.8 on Mac M1 OS Monterey 12.6.5, basically all of a sudden nothing worked at all.. rather frustrating when you are about to go into a session.. I saved my profiles and deleted every file related to Sonarworks, reverted back to and things are working fine.


Version update is broken on my Macbook Pro M1 on Monterey. Using UAD Apollo 8p. This is an incredibly common set up and I'm amazed at how often systemwide stops working. Currently I cannot get any system sound to play (spotify, web, etc). "Play test signal" works for some reason. In MacOS "Audio Devices", "SoundID Reference" is selected as the main source. In the past I would set the main souce to "Universal Audio Thunderbolt" and it would work properly, but now when I select that, the selection immediately reverts back to SoundID Reference and I get no sound until I quit SoundID. Before this update, everything was working. 


I am still working with version 5.7.2 due to all the problems that have occurred after that. I hoped SonarWorks would have fixed the bugs until version 5.9, but obviously not (refer to David Dahlquist comment). Is it perhaps time to stop selling SoundID Reference as MAC compatible, and give present us MAC users a refund? @SonarWorks: The problems seem to affect us UAD users more than other Mac users (My DAW is Apollo x4); is that true?



I have the same problem as everyone... since June in all the updates there have been, sonarworks does not work on my system, the only thing that works is the signal test playback and then it totally broke... I am disappointed that they cannot correct this problem that we have had for a long time and without a solution even with the updates. I have a Mac Pro 2013 and a MacBook Pro M1 Pro, I forgot which version everything worked fine.


When trying to switch projects on M2 Silicon Mac Sonoma 14.1.1, Logic 10.8 is stuck while loading the SoundID Reference Plugin.


I'm on Sound ID 5.9.0 and it's still broken when using Systemwide (Mac M1 Max Studio on Ventura). Computer sleeps and Sound ID breaks. In the past I use to just quit or force quit) Sound ID and re-open the app and it would work again. Now it won't even show under the audio output devices after re-opening app. This is worse than before. It's not like Apple silicon is a new thing - it's been out for years now. Sonarworks really needs to fix this issue properly without users having to un-instal and reinstall as a work around.


Hi all,

Thank you for your patience while we were investigating and working on a fix for the SoundID Reference missing from sound settings on macOS problem (this issue appeared with the 5.7.3. update).

We have released a new SoundID Reference beta version which includes a fix for the missing driver issue. If you are experiencing this issue, we would really appreciate it if you could try out this beta and let us know whether the issue is fixed on your machines.

Update: issue has been resolved since the 5.9.1 version of SoundID Reference. If anyone is encountering the missing SoundID Reference audio device in Sound settings/Audio MIDI setup, make sure you have updated to the latest version.

Thank you very much in advance, we appreciate it! 


Hi, thanks for your post and comments here, sorry to hear you are encountering some issues! 

There are a few things that could be causing the issue:

  • There is a known issue with the SoundID Reference driver being missing after the 5.7.3 update, and since a fix has not yet been implemented, the issue may be present with 5.7.8 as well. Update: Fix has been implemented since the 5.9.1 version (Brandon Baker as you noted SoundID Reference is not showing up in System settings as an output, most likely it is the missing driver in your case);
  • It is possible that there is something else affecting the signal from reaching SoundID Reference or being audible, tips on what to check can be found here: No sound / no calibration effect [MAC]. I would especially advise checking whether SoundID Reference is not muted in Sound settings/Audio MIDI setup

Let me know if you check these out and if an issue still persists. Thanks in advance!


Hi Ricardo, it sounds like the SoundID Reference driver may not have been removed during the uninstallation process. Please take a look at our guide for uninstalling SoundID Reference here: [MAC] How to uninstall SoundID Reference - make sure to remove the associated files manually as instructor in the article.  

After that, please run the SoundID Reference installer again and proceed with installing the version of your choice (either the legacy 5.2. or the 5.7.2. version). For full steps on how to revert to a previous version, see our guide here: Current software issues - how to revert back to a previous version

Let us know how it goes, thanks! 


It's been so long, and the bug still isn't fixed. What is your team doing every day? Or are you not even trying to solve the problem? It's a struggle just to open the app on Mac, Opening SoundID always lags.the worst program I've ever used.


This worked great for about a month, but now I am suddenly not getting any sound whatsoever in Systemwide, even after restarting and relaunching the audio engine. Please :( 


Hi David Dahlquist, thanks for reaching out, sorry to hear about this!

If you're noticing an issue with no sound when SoundID Reference is launched, please take a look at some common triggers for this in this guide: [MAC] No sound / no calibration effect (especially check if SoundID Reference is not muted or if the volume for SoundID Reference or your audio device is not turned down in Audio MIDI setup app). 

Let us know how it goes!


Wow, turns out the Output volume was muted in the Mac System Settings “Sound” section. I have no idea why my Mac decides to randomly mute it, but glad to know that this was the solution. Thank you! 


Glad to hear you were able to find and resolve the culprit, David Dahlquist, thanks for following up!


Yes the app is verry instable, clips pops, crackles, errors al over the place. Support basicly doesnt exist. Tried contacting them 3 times over the past month. Never got an answer. After a 30 day triual its a BIG NO for me…


Hi Tom Reyniers, sorry to hear about this. 

If you're encountering some audio dropouts, I can recommend checking out our guide on some things to try in this case: Audio dropouts with the standalone app (clicks and pops).

I will open up a support request on your behalf, so we can check on your situation a bit closer (and also find out more about the previous requests submitted). 

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