SoundID Reference update: new macOS audio driver


Hi all,

On September 6, 2023, a new SoundID Reference software update has been released: version, download here.

This latest update includes a brand-new driver for the standalone app on macOS. The driver rework includes moving the SoundID Reference standalone app driver fully onto the HAL driver format, resolving some permission conflicts, and process priority issues while enhancing overall system stability.

These improvements aim to address several reported problems on macOS, including the unwarranted "Preset Switch Failed" error message and the driver disconnecting after computer sleep/idle time. Among other issues tackled, here are the top problems addressed:

See the release notes for SoundID Reference version here: Release notes

Let us know if you have any questions or comments on the new update, we appreciate the feedback.

Thanks in advance, and happy mixing!


Official comment

Hi all,

We have released a new SoundID Reference update (v5.9.1.3) today, Jan 24, 2024, which includes a fix for the SoundID Reference missing from sound output settings on macOS issue. With this update, the SoundID Reference audio device should be available in Mac Sound settings and Audio MIDI when the SoundID Reference app is running. For those encountering this issue with the previous versions, we recommend updating to the latest version.

To install this update, download the SoundID Reference installer from our download center here and proceed with the installation.

If there is an issue remaining after installing the update, please check the tips mentioned in this guide: [MAC] No sound / no calibration effect

Thank you for your patience while we were working on resolving this issue. Let us know how it is working for you! 


Just installed the update and now Sonarworks does not show up in Mac audio settings. Standalone is not recieving audio input due to this issue.


I just updated, and lost all of my presets including my studio calibration !! How do I recover these ?


Please see the other thread on this... cannot revert back to 5.6.1 as you get the 'Preset Switch Failed'.. nowhere to download 5.7.2/1

I've had to revert back to Ref 4!

The 'update' not only still has the Pro Tools Plugin 'fail' now the system wide fails too.. utter poo show all 'round!!

Congratulations on releasing an update that doesn't work on ANY level!!


What a crap show.  Just installed on my system new version and says "Core Driver went missing", but when I restart Core Audio, my system doesn't see my interface, but my system does.  But if I bypass the whole Reference app, it works fine.  So the issue is def. this NEW version of Reference and NOT my system.  I was in the middle of a session during a break, when I did the upgrade (which was uber stupid on my part but I assumed it had been tested) and now NOTHING works right.  Ugh.  Amateur hour on this one.  


Yup! Couldn’t agree more.
I stupidly installed it in the hope it had fixed the Pro Tools plugin issue. Which STILL isn’t fixed.
Why publicly release this stuff? It’s not even Alpha ready 🤦🏼‍♂️


Greetings! Just updated my SoundID Reference to and my coreaudiod process is pegged at 104%

I'm running a Mac Pro 5,1 12-core 32GB RAM (MacOS 10.14.6) with a MOTU 828mkII audio interface. I do not recall seeing coreaudiod running at anything higher than 10% before this update.

Since upgrading and restarting, coreaudiod sits at 104% and once 414% before I rebooted again.

To troubleshoot, I removed ‎⁨the SoundID Reference.driver from Macintosh HD⁩ ▸ ⁨Library⁩ ▸ ⁨Audio⁩ ▸ ⁨Plug-Ins⁩ ▸ ⁨HAL⁩

After a reboot, my coreaudiod process is at 0% processor utilization.

I put the ‎⁨the SoundID Reference.driver back into Macintosh HD⁩ ▸ ⁨Library⁩ ▸ ⁨Audio⁩ ▸ ⁨Plug-Ins⁩ ▸ ⁨HAL⁩

After another reboot, with the driver back in place, coreaudiod went back to above 100% processor utilization.

I'm happy to share logs and help test solutions.


Important for Beta testers of previous 5.7.3 versions!

If you have previously installed any 5.7.3 Beta version (, or, or, the "Update available" notification is not going to show up. To make sure the new update is installed, download and install here.


To double-check the currently installed version, go to Preferences > License & version info (NOT "Check for updates"). Let us know if you are experiencing any issues with the update in this community thread, or submit a support request.



Richard Kimmings - sorry to hear that! I've responded to your comment in another thread regarding the same issue, but I will also note the information here.

The "Preset Switch Failed" error is a known issue and the 5.7.3 update which includes a major macOS driver rework actually aims to address this error, as well as other issues on macOS.

Can you let us know whether fully uninstalling SoundID Reference following our guide and then reinstalling the latest version made any difference? 

Just in case, we have some workarounds mentioned for the "Preset Switch Failed" error if someone has reverted and is encountering this error  as well, see here: "Preset switch failed" error message


Yes I fully de-installed - and removed all references to SoundID anywhere on my system.

Installing 5.7.3 on Mac, SoundID seems to not be talking to the sound card. Videos halt and won't play... audio from Finder... same. And Pro Tools refuses to play at all stating 'buffer issues' - which there is not as it was all fine and always has been fine on the previous versions.

SoundID doesn't recognise the sample rate of the sound card (where as it did) - so my assumption is it simply cannot see the sound card or communicate with it.

As I said, going back to 5.6.1 gives the 'Preset Switch Error' - so my only option has been to revert back to Ref 4


PS - the 'work around for Preset Switch Failed' doesn't work... I've been on with this trouble shooting all day.

The windows version is fine by the way - why the Mac issues have not been picked up is beyond me - and as you know, I'm not alone!!


I deleted and reinstalled which seems to be working, although I can’t select Sonarworks as the output, and I can select it to receive input?
My OS is Monterey on a M1 PRO MacBook.


If you have ref 4. Go back to that for now. The only way to work around it…


Have the same issue as bgier. After the update coreaduio and SoundID processes running my CPU extremely high, my laptop overheats and fans are running at full speed. It happens even with the app closed. I had to completely uninstall it. I have Mabook Pro on Mojave (10.14.6).
Before that never seen such issues with previous versions of SoundID.

Is there any way to go back to the previous version? 



I installed update on my Mac Mini M1 & Mac Studio M2. Mac Studio is working fine, but Mac Mini is destroyed; sounds like someone is playing underwater, or on my toilet. Reinstalling did not help. 


Hi guys,

Thanks for your replies here, sorry to hear about the issues encountered with the latest update, but we really appreciate you reporting these to us! 

We should have a support article regarding the missing SoundID Reference driver available very soon today (I will update this post once we have it live). I'm afraid we currently don't have an ETA on the fix, but we are looking at this as a priority. I've created support tickets on your behalf (if you hadn't yet submitted a ticket), so our team can address each of your reports individually as well. 

Some of you have also mentioned an issue with a couple of processes (most likely CoreAudio and SonarworksASPProxy) running high CPU - this is indeed a reported issue with the latest update as well, please see our article on it here: High CPU with the SoundID Reference standalone app [MAC]. I've created support tickets from your comments where this issue was mentioned, so we can take note of these reports and assist you individually too. 


Michiel Verrijn Stuart - sorry to hear about this! I noticed you had submitted a support ticket as well and it looks like a clean reinstall helped with this. 


Yeah, your deinstall guide did the trick :) Just to be save, and have a fully working update, I also did a clean install on my Mac Studio. Kind regards, Michiel


Hi all,

An update from our side for anyone encountering the issue with SoundID Reference audio device not showing up after the version update:The issue may be caused by the driver not updating/installing properly during the install process. 

Please note that the fix workaround for this is to clean uninstall SoundID Reference and run the installer again. It is imperative that you remove the files, especially the HAL driver, mentioned in the uninstallation guide and then run the installer again. 

Update: issue has been resolved with the 5.9.1 update of SoundID Reference.

Of course, let us know how this goes and if you observe any other issues with the latest update, thank you!


OMG the downgrade doesnt work....preset switch failed!


Hi estebanparra3,

Sorry about that! For known workarounds to help get rid of the "Preset Switch Failed" error, please see here: "Preset switch failed" error message


Having the same Core Audio issues as bgier, plus video playback issues (lagging, flashing screen, etc.). On 10.15.7. Went back to previous version, issues disappeared.


Hi all, 

Thank you for your patience and feedback regarding this issue!

A couple of updates from our side:

  • UPDATE: The missing driver issue has been resolved, and the fix is available since the 5.9.1. update;
  • We have also been listening to user feedback regarding the availability of the previous version 5.7.2. - it is now available within the Online installer. For instructions on how to revert, see our guide here: Revert to the previous version (

We'll make sure to update here in the post as we progress with the fix. 


Matt Day Grant Tennison Michiel Verrijn Stuart estebanparra3 Richard Kimmings and others affected by the missing driver issue - thanks for standing by! 


A fix for the missing driver is finally available with the latest Beta update. Proceed as shown here: SoundID Reference Beta software releases



We wanted to provide an update on the high CPU issue some users are encountering on macOS 10.14 and 10.15 versions as there were some reports mentioned in this post as well. 

With the release of a new SoundID Reference update (v5.10.0) on March 26, 2024, SoundID Reference will no longer support macOS 10.14 and 10.15. If you have encountered the high CPU issue on your device, please visit our support guide for more information on OS version support drop and issue workaround options here: [MAC] CoreAudio and SonarworksASPProxy high CPU (on macOS 10.14 & 10.15)

Hi W. Thompson - sorry to hear about this! We are aware of an issue with speaker profiles disappearing in some cases and we have taken steps towards implementing a saving mechanism, for more details, please see our guide here: [MAC] Missing speaker profiles: "File not found", it also includes some tips for potentially recovering the files. I also noticed you have submitted a support ticket, so we'll get back to you as soon as possible to that as well. 

Matt Day - sorry to hear about this! 

If SoundID Reference is not appearing as an audio output option on your macOS machine after the update, please consider performing a clean uninstall of the software and then reinstall it. Follow the steps below:
  1. Back up your speaker profiles if you have any; for locating the speaker profiles, see our guide here: Where can I find my speaker profile?
  2. Uninstall SoundID Reference following the guide here: How to uninstall SoundID Reference? [MAC] (please make sure to follow all the steps mentioned in the guide, including the file manual removal)
  3. Download and run the SoundID Reference installer once again:
  4. Launch the app and set up as you normally would, check whether SoundID Reference is now available as an output on your machine.
If the issue persists, it is possible to revert to the SoundID Reference 5.6. version following the guide here: Issues with the latest 5.7 update - how to revert back to 5.6.1

Let us know how this goes and if after a reinstall the problem still is present. Thank you!
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