If you are experiencing an issue with the SoundID Reference installer on your Windows machine or an installation issue in general, gathering installation logs may help our support team investigate the issue further.
How to collect SoundID Reference installation log files on your Windows machine
- In Windows Explorer, go to:
- Sort folder contents by Date modified, so that the latest entries appear on top;
- Launch the SoundID Reference online installer and monitor the Temp folder for new entries;
- Finalize the installation (a failed installation also counts) and immediately extract the newest files from the Temp folder, archive them and attach the resulting archive to your support request.
- In Windows Explorer, go to:
Installer log files
There are additional installer logs located in the SoundID Reference logs folder. You can collect the subfolder "Installer logs" from here:
C:\Users\your username\AppData\Local\Sonarworks\Logs
Important to know:
- Note that the files that you are looking for will probably have incomprehensible names.
- Pay attention to the timestamp on the items - the timestamps are the best way to distinguish the files from the latest launched installation.