Upgrade paths for Reference 3 and 4

If you own a Reference 3 or 4 license, you can upgrade it to SoundID Reference. This article will guide you through the available upgrade paths and compatibility.


Refernce 3 or 4 upgrade paths.png


In this article:


Reference 3 or 4 Headphone Edition

If you own any version of Reference 3 or 4 headphone software, the only available upgrade path is SoundID Reference for Headphones:


Note: Direct upgrade paths to speaker versions are not available in this scenario. After completing the headphone upgrade to SoundID Reference, further upgrade options to speaker versions will become available.



Reference 3 or 4 Studio Edition

If you own any version of Reference 3 or 4 speaker software, you have two upgrade paths available to SoundID Reference: the default Speakers and Headphones upgrade, or going straight to the Multichannel version:


If you already have a Sonarworks measurement microphone available, a new one is not needed for the upgrade. The SoundID Reference software is fully compatible with older Sonarworks microphones, learn more here: Sonarworks XREF 20 Measurement Microphone and calibration profiles



Educational upgrade products and crossgrading

EDU versions and pricing are available for the Refernece product line, including upgrade products. EDU upgrade paths work the same as the regular upgrades shown above. See pricing and apply here: SoundID Reference in Education


Regular and EDU licenses can be crossgraded. You can easily apply an EDU upgrade on a regular license, or apply a regular upgrade on an EDU license. 


Note: SoundID Reference for Multichannel is not available in the Sonarworks EDU program. Only the regular fully-priced upgrade options are available for Multichannel, although they can still be applied on EDU licenses for crossgrading.


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i can not download my product for win 10


Leo We're currently investigating your issue in a ticket, where this article may help for your upgraded product: Unable to download SoundID Reference installer. If anything, certainly let me know on our ticket. 

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