Input/output audio quality and properties

Input/output audio quality and properties

SoundID VoiceAI plugin can cater to a relatively wide range of recording quality for the input track. Regular phone microphone recordings in a random space with reverb are perfectly okay to use - after processing, the output results will have the properties of studio-quality audio captured with a great microphone.

There are, however, some limits to take into consideration:

  • Repeated AI processing on the same audio capture will not produce identical results. Due to the creative nature of the AI models in SoundID VoiceAI, results will be slightly different each time.
  • Excessive reverb on the input audio can lead to melodic artifacts in the output.
  • In the Pay-as-you-go mode, it is possible to Reprocess the results for free (limited to 10 times per hour) to minimize excessive artifacts.
  • When applied to non-English singing, some amount of English accent might bleed over into the processed voice depending on the preset applied.
  • The AI models can sometimes introduce artifacts such as clipping "s'es" into the processing results. This is typically resolved by re-processing or adjusting the Transpose setting to a value closer to the input track pitch. 
  • The AI models work great for normal spoken voice tracks too, however, when applied to extreme emotional states of speech such as whispering or shouting, artifacts are possible.
  • Repeated AI processing of the same audio capture will not produce identical results. Due to the creative nature of the AI models in SoundID VoiceAI, results will be slightly different each time.
  • The intonation of the input voice audio is a key aspect of the AI models. Raspiness in the voice (rough, raspy, strained, or breathy properties), can lead to artifacts in the processing results.

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