[MAC] Debug Mode in the Measure app

The Measure app in Reference 4 features a Debug Mode, making it easier to investigate and fix particularly complex speaker measurement issues. The debug data will be essential for our support and development teams to figure out what exactly is causing the problem.


IMPORTANT! The Measure app requires very specific configuration aspects in terms of its interaction with your hardware/software and other third-party components. Settings that don't seem obviously related can turn out to be crucial for the Measure app to work. Most issues can easily be self-diagnosed and avoided using the Measure app troubleshooting guide instead.

_MSR__Mac_-_Debug_Mode_02.pngThe Debug Mode is found in the Measure app settings and can be used on its own. However, for a complete picture of the issue, the debugging process will need an additional step to it: escalating the logging environment of your Mac. 


Follow these steps to collect the debug data

1. Launch the Terminal app (use Macs' Spotlight Search if you're not sure where to find it):



2. Copy-paste the following two commands into the Terminal window and hit 'enter' to execute each command. This will relaunch the Measure app in the newly escalated logging environment. Keep the Terminal session running:

open -a /Applications/Reference\ 4\ Measure.app/


3. Measure app should now be launched in the escalated logging environment - now click on 'Settings' in Measure and tick the 'Enable debug mode' checkbox:

_MSR__Mac_-_Debug_Mode_01.png_MSR__Mac_-_Debug_Mode_02.png4. Save and proceed with the speaker measurements up to the point where you're getting stuck. During this stage, feel free to take screenshots, video/audio captures of any errors or other problematic behavior, third-party component configuration aspects, or anything else you consider useful.

5. Exit the Masure app completely, and relaunch it. Click on Settings > Open debug folder. Collect the entire Logs folder content including the Dumps subfolder:


You can also navigate to this directory manually:

MacHD/Users/your_username/Library/Sonarworks/Reference 4/Measure/Logs


6. Collect the additional escalated environment logfiles form this location:



7. Shut down the Terminal session.

8. Compress all collected data into a ZIP file. Submit a support ticket below and attach the logs to it. When submitting the ticket, be thorough with the information you provide in regards to the hardware, operating system, software, and any third-party components you're using (model names, version numbers, etc.).


Allow showing hidden files

You can also navigate to these directories shown above in Finder manually. N.B. Users/Library is a hidden location on Mac by default - to access it manually, you will need to allow Finder to show hidden files:

See hidden files on Mac via Finder

  1. In Finder, open up your Macintosh HD folder.
  2. Press Command + Shift + . (Dot)
  3. Your hidden files will become visible. Repeat step 2 to hide them again!


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