Incorrect speaker distance detected warning

If the software has measured the distance between the speakers incorrectly, this guide provides information on what to check to successfully continue the measurement process. 


Holding the mic close to the midrange driver

Please make sure that you hold the microphone close to the midrange driver. It is recommended to hold the microphone 1-2 cm (less than an inch) from the driver.


Check your signal chain

When measuring your speakers, we recommend removing anything unnecessary from the audio chain to avoid affecting the signal or potentially adding latency to it. After the measuring is done and the calibration profile is created, you can revert to your previous setup. If this is not possible, please make sure that if anything is between your audio interface and speakers (monitor controllers, mixer, etc.) that the signal is correctly routed to the Left and Right channels and is not affected by tone controls, phase reverse, mono switch, etc. 


Same as with analog signal, if your audio interface has a control software, make sure your speaker output channels are correctly routed in the software, panned fully to left and right channels, and are not altered by any DSP processing if your audio interface has native DSP effects. 


Room reflections

Sometimes the precision of the measurements can be affected by unordinary reflections in your room. The distance can also be adjusted manually. If the measured distance exceeds the actual distance of your speakers by more than 10 cm (2 inches) then you should repeat the measurement and make sure that the direct monitoring is turned off (your microphone input isn’t routed directly to your audio interface outputs), and your audio interface sample rate is set to 44.1 kHz.

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