Some ASIO drivers showing in Systemwide might be subject to compatibility problems resulting in serious usability issues (crashes, audio artifacts during playback, etc.). Problematic ASIO drivers can be manually disabled by the user for any reason they deem necessary - blacklisted ASIO drivers will not show up in Systemwide.
NOTE: The blacklist information is cleared with the software update (you will have to repeat the process after updating if you wish to keep a driver blacklisted).
How to blacklist an ASIO driver in Systemwide?
- Download the audiodeviceblacklist.config blacklist file ↓ attached at the bottom ↓ of this article
- Place it in the directory shown below (note that AppData is a hidden directory by default - to access it you might need to allow showing hidden files as per instructions here):
C:\Users\your-user\AppData\Local\Sonarworks\Reference 4\Systemwide\
- Open the blacklist file with Notepad and keep it ready for editing:
- Type 'regedit' in the Windows search bar to open Registry Editor
- Navigate to the ASIO directory shown below - all installed ASIO drivers are listed here:
- Click on the driver you wish to remove (we have blacklisted ASIO4ALL v2 in the example below)
- Double-click on CLSID and copy-paste the displayed value into the blacklist file ID field:
- Double-click on Description and copy-paste the displayed name into the blacklist file Title field:
Close and Save the blacklist file - you're done!
You can go ahead and launch Systemwide in ASIO mode - the blacklisted driver should now be gone. If the blacklisted device is still showing in Systemwide, please go back and check the steps one by one to make sure you've done everything correctly.
NOTE: You can blacklist multiple ASIO drivers if you need to - simply copy the entire <BlacklistedDevice> section in the blacklist file and fill the ID and Title fields with appropriate driver details from the Registry Editor: