How to activate Reference 4

This guide provides steps on activating your Reference 4 license via the systemwide app and DAW plugin.

In this article:

  1. If you are launching Reference 4 for the first time
  2. If you have been trialing Reference 4 software before
  3. Activating from the Reference 4 DAW plugin 
  4. Offline activation


If you are launching Reference 4 for the first time

  1. Download and install the Reference 4 software 
  2. Launch the Reference 4 Systemwide app
  3. Click on 'Activate your license' if you have already purchased your license, or enter your email address to start your free trial
  4. Enter your activation key and email address and click on 'Continue' to activate 



If you have been trialing Reference 4 software before

  1. Launch the Reference 4 Systemwide app and click on the Sonarworks logo
  2. Click on 'Add new product license'
  3. Enter your activation key and email address and click on 'Continue' to activate 




Activating from the Reference 4 DAW plugin 

  1. Load the Reference 4 plugin in your DAW and click on the Sonarworks logo
  2. Click on 'Add license'
  3. Enter your activation key and email address and click on 'Continue' to activate 




Offline activation

If you're working on an offline computer, see this article for offline activation instructions.

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