Setting up Individual Headphone Calibration on Reference 4.2 & legacy versions

If you're using Reference version 4.2 or older and want to set up with your individually calibrated headphones, this guide provides steps for loading your calibration profile.


Loading your individual headphone calibration profile

Your individual calibration profile will be linked to your activation key. To download your calibration profile launch Systemwide application or the plug-in and click on the SW logo in the top left corner. Click on 'Check For Headphone Profile Updates'. This will download your individual profile to your 'Sonarworks Projects' folder, located in your user folder on Windows and in your Library folder on Mac.


This feature has been added to Reference 4 starting from v4.1.9.1. Click here to download the latest version of Reference 4.


LEGACY: To download your profile for older versions of Reference 4 and Reference 3, please reactivate your license by clicking on the SW logo on the upper left side of the plug-in or Systemwide, then press "Add new product license" and enter your existing activation key and email address.)



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