Safety buffer

If you are noticing any clicks and pops or audio dropouts during playback, increasing the safety buffer should resolve the problem. 

In this article:

  1. What is Safety Buffer?
  2. Recommended settings


What is Safety Buffer?

Starting from the 4.4 update, the Reference 4 Systemwide has a 'Safety buffer' feature. The Safety buffer size field is available in Systemwide Settings - Audio. This new functionality will help users who are experiencing audio dropouts - if you are noticing any minor clicks and pops during playback, increasing the safety buffer should solve the problem.


Recommended settings

The default value is set at '0' to keep latency down to a minimum. If you're not experiencing any audio glitches during playback, there is no need to increase the Safety Buffer.


Safety buffer involves pre-buffering additional samples of audio to prevent cases where the system requests more audio samples from the Systemwide app than we have at any given moment. Essentially, it is a way of giving the software a little more time to deal with any clocking issues and sync the audio stream properly. 


You'll also notice that the drop-down values for the Safety buffer are changing according to the Audio buffer size setting above. 


NOTE! The Safety buffer might not solve all cases of audio dropouts. If you are still experiencing any clicks and pops during playback with the Safety Buffer enabled, please submit a support request below.


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