Setting up Individual Headphone Calibration

Set up your individually calibrated headphones with Reference 4.4 version in the systemwide app and DAW plugin.


In this article:

  1. Setting up IHP in Systemwide
  2. Setting up IHP in DAW plugin
  3. Setting up calibration on Offline computer


Setting up IHP in Reference Systemwide

As of Reference 4.4, the headphone profile setup is done by adding presets - calibration profiles assigned to specific audio devices/channels. Learn more about user presets in Reference 4 here. Initially, the setup is the same as loading any other profile - click on Add preset option, as shown below:


The preset setup window will open. This is used to create and edit presets for audio devices. Not jumping into details, loading individually calibrated headphone profiles is done by clicking on the Correction profile dropdown menu, and choosing Add Headphones as per below:


A list of average profiles for various headphones will open up, but in order to access Individually calibrated headphone profiles, you have to click on the option Add Individually calibrated headphones as per the below screenshot: 


Enter the calibration ID of your headphones. You'll find the individual calibration ID tag on the cable of your headphones (see the image below). There is also a small calibration ID sticker on the headphones too, usually on the inner part of the headband). Click on Add Headphones:


This will load your individually measured headphone profile in the preset creation window as it was seen in the second picture. Then, finish setting up the preset and you will be set and ready to go. 


Setting up IHP in Reference plugin

Adding individual headphone calibration profile in the Reference 4 plugin differs from setting it up in Systemwide. In the top section of the plugin, click on Load a calibration profile and select Add Headphones:


With recent updates, a majority of features that are performed on occasion such as software activation, profile fetching, etc. have been brought to Systemwide, adding Individually calibrated headphone profile to the plugin is also done through Systemwide, so when you click on the aforementioned Add Headphones option, you'll be prompted to open Systemwide:


After you click on the Open Systemwide option, you'll be presented with the selection of headphone profiles. From there it's much the same as in Systemwide, with the exception of when you'll click on Add Headphones after entering the Calibration ID, you'll be returned to the plugin, with the profile loaded in it.


Setting up calibration on Offline computer

Please note that to download your individual calibration as well as update your average profile list on an offline computer you will need to perform an offline activation. Please refer to this article for more information on offline activation. 

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