Setting up with user presets in Systemwide allows you to easily change output devices, channels, set up calibration profiles and their respective DSP settings.
In this article:
- Add a new Preset
- Preset selection and viewing options: Devices and Presets
- Automated output selection logic
Add a new Preset
Click on 'Add Preset', choose a calibration profile, and assign the output device/channels you want to employ. Name the preset and click 'Done' to save. You can now, for example, assign multiple presets to a single device if you have more than one headphone or speaker pair connected to your audio interface, making it easy to switch between the two. Any changes you make to the DSP settings of your presets (like Filter Mode, Limit Controls, etc.) will be saved and remembered for the next time you engage them.
Preset selection and viewing options: Devices and Presets
Presets can be operated in two different view options - Devices and Presets. In Devices mode, you will see your presets listed based on the output devices they're assigned to, while the Presets view is based on the calibration profiles you're using. You can add presets for any routing/calibration combination you desire. In the example below, see how the preset named 'KRK 6' (assigned to Scarlett 6i6 USB interface) is displayed in both views:
Automated output selection logic
A new automated preset rank list is also in place. For instance, if an output device is lost or disconnected, Systemwide will automatically apply calibration to a different device instead. It will also jump back to the device on top of the rank list if that device becomes available again - all that is based on the presets you've created and used previously.
NOTE: The red 'Device Unavailable' icon for the disconnected M-Track unit above. The notification system will help you through uncommon situations and give you all the options you need to deal with new preset scenarios, like connecting a new device, for example:
Use Presets in combination with the Default Output Device feature to make the most of the routing and monitoring capability your gear has to offer when using Systemwide calibration!
NOTE: Assigning different presets to multiple channel pairs of a single device is subject to the given device's driver configuration capability. On Windows, you can relaunch Sysetmwide in WASAPI/ASIO for the currently engaged device in Systemwide Audio Settings.