Setting up with Systemwide

Get started with the Reference 4 Systemwide app to calibrate your systemwide audio - set up your output device, calibration profiles, and DSP settings.

In this article:

  1. How is calibration applied?
  2. First steps
  3. Main Dashboard
  4. Presets bar
  5. License information
  6. Check for updates


How is calibration applied?

Systemwide is a virtual audio device software that will process your system audio and apply calibration to it when it is set as the default output of your computer.


In general, when enabled Systemwide would take over the default output of your computer. However, this feature can be disabled in the audio settings of the software.

Systemwide can also be used as the output of your DAW instead of using the plug-in.
There is more information on setting up Systemwide with your DAW in this article.


First steps

If you launch Systemwide but haven’t yet validated the software an activation screen will appear. Here you can either input your e-mail to start a free 21-day trial or use an activation key that you have received.


After you have done this you will be lead through an onboarding process which should give you a basic understanding of the Reference 4 software.

If the device you wish to activate the software on is not connected to the internet, you can still perform an offline activation to be able to use the software.
Learn more about it here.

Main Dashboard

This is the first thing you will see when you open the Reference 4 Systemwide after you have gone through all of the steps of onboarding and activation.
The dashboard encompasses all of the primary functions that you might need to use after setting the software up with your hardware.


Quick access calibration settings

There is a set of options surrounding the calibration visuals, which allow for calibration setting changes and outgoing signal adjustments on the go.
You can also monitor signal latency and its sources at the bottom of this section.



Presets bar

On the left side of the Systemwide window, you find the preset bar which is there to allow for easy switching between sets of output devices and calibration profiles.

A user preset would be created for your general headphone/speaker and interface combination during the onboarding process of the software. Additional ones can be created.


To create a new user preset just click on the “Add preset” button. A window will open where you’ll be able to choose the output device, channels, and a calibration profile for the new setting.

If you feel that you would like to know more about setting up a user preset, follow this link.

License information

You can open the license information by clicking either on the SW logo on the top left corner of the Systemwide or the License information button in the settings drop-down menu on the top right corner.


This section of Systemwide allows you to see the active licenses and what e-mail are they registered to as well as to add a new product license.
At the bottom left corner of this section, you can also find out what version of Reference 4 is currently. installed

Dropdown menu

On the top right corner of the Systemwide, you will find a button that opens a drop-down menu for access to some additional features and settings.



By clicking on the settings line in the dropdown menu you can access certain options that cannot be changed in the main window. Among these are features that involve more specific functionality of the software than like output device and UI settings.


It allows you to change some of the user interface related features like software launch on start-up, whether Systemwide will use the GPU for graphics processing or the visual theme of the UI.



This section deals in general output settings of Systemwide and your interface.
You can reinitiate drivers and change the signal sampling values or other parameters defining how Reference will interact with the system audio drivers.

On Windows devices, you can use this menu to switch between ASIO and WASAPI output driver modes

Here you can also disable the automatic output takeover feature at the bottom of the audio settings window.
When enabled this feature would always set Systemwide as the default output device of your machine and apply calibration to the output device of your preference.



We have made it possible for Systemwide to inform you of certain events that might be significant for your experience using the software. They can be accessed in the notifications window of the settings.


Check for updates

This feature allows you to find out what is the latest version of the Reference 4 software and download it.


Tray icon

To calibrate your audio Systemwide does not necessarily have to run on the foreground of your desktop. The SW tray icon will show up whenever Systemwide is enabled.


Tray icon allows for a number of quick access features, like switching presets or outputs, to enable/disable calibration and so on.
The placement of the tray Icon will differ for Mac and Windows computers but will work just the same.


Mac OS machines have the system tray (menubar) placed on the top right corner of the desktop

Windows users can usually find the tray icon at the bottom right corner of the desktop if left unchanged.

the color in which the icon is shown indicates whether calibration is active - blue for on and gray for off.


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