Sonarworks XREF 20 Measurement Microphone and calibration profiles

Where can I download the microphone calibration profile? Sonarworks XREF 20 Measurement Microphone, specifications, user manuals, calibration profiles, and profile downloads explained. 


XREF 20.png

In this article:


Note: This article applies to Sonarworks XREF 20 Measurement Microphone (2015), identified by Profile ID range of 34A001-36K018 in alpha-numerical order. See detailed specifications here: Sonarworks XREF 20 Measurement Microphone (2015) user manual. For other (newer) Sonarworks measurement microphone products with a Profile ID of 36K019 or higher, see these manuals instead: 



Sonarworks XREF 20 Measurement Microphone

Calibrated measurement microphones have been an integral part of Sonarworks speaker calibration technology since the initial release of the Reference product line. Featuring individual calibration profiles, Sonarworks measurement microphones allow for a ±0.9dB measurement accuracy when used with the Reference 4 software.


Sonarworks XREF 20 Measurement Microphone is discontinued and replaced by the SoundID Reference Measurement Microphone. However, it is fully compatible with SoundID Reference (the latest version of the Reference software product line), and can be used as shown here. Sonarworks XREF 20 microphone includes:


  • Measurement Microphone: for Reference 3, Reference 4, SoundID Reference, or third-party software/hardware measurements
  • Microphone Profile: 0°, 30°, and 90° individual microphone calibration profiles


Microphone Profile and Profile ID

The frequency response of each Sonarworks XREF 20 Measurement Microphone has been individually measured, and a Microphone Profile is provided containing the calibration data. The Microphone Profile is associated with a unique Profile ID, printed directly on each microphone unit:


Sonarworks XREF 20 Profile ID.png


Loading the profile in Reference 4 Measure app

For optimal measurement results with the Reference 4 software, the profile must be loaded in the Measure app during the speaker measurement process.

  1. Select the 'Sonarworks XREF 20 Measurement Microphone' option during the "Hardware Setup" stage in the measure app
  2. Enter the microphone Profile ID and click 'Next' to load the profile


Once the Profile ID is entered, (see example below), the profile is applied automatically, see the example shown below. Reference employs the 30° profile.


Note: This functionality requires an active internet connection.



XREF 20 Microphone Profile.png

Microphone profile downloads

For offline use, third-party software/hardware use, or general backup purposes, the microphone profiles can be downloaded as a ZIP archive from the Sonarworks website:

  1. Go to the Sonarworks Downloads page
  2. Navigate to the "Measurement microphone profile downloads" section
  3. Enter the microphone Profile ID and click on 'Download profile'
  4. Extract the downloaded ZIP archive to access the files


Microphone profile downloads.png


The download will contain two files in the Sonarworks-native SWMIC format and three files in TXT file format for third-party use:

  • 30° profile in SWMIC file format
  • 90° profile in SWMIC file format
  • profile in TXT file format
  • 30° profile in TXT file format
  • 90° profile in TXT file format


Offline and third-party use

For Sonarworks-native offline use, the Measure app allows for the microphone profile to be loaded manually, in case there is no internet access on the computer used for the measurements:

  1. Download and extract the profiles as shown above
  2. Transfer the files to the needed computer using a USB flash drive or another method
  3. Click on the 'Different measurement microphone' option during the "Hardware Setup" stage in the Measure app, and click 'Next' to proceed
  4. Click on 'Browse' and select the 30° microphone profile SWMIC file

Different measurement microphone (2).png

Differnet microphone profile - Browse.png


For third-party use, the microphone profiles can be downloaded and employed in TXT file format as described above: Microphone profile downloads.


Note: It is the user's responsibility to resolve any compatibility issues with third-party use of the microphone profiles. Should any issues arise, we recommend consulting the respective third party's legal guidelines, support documentation, customer service, or other available resources. Sonarworks can't guarantee optimal measurement results when used without the microphone profile. 

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