Purchase options for the Virtual Monitoring Add-on

This guide highlights the purchase options and upgrade bundle deals for the Virtual Monitoring Add-On, including options for new and existing users.


In this article:


How to purchase the Virtual Monitoring Add-on

SoundID Reference license owners can purchase a Virtual Monitoring Add-on license separately at the Sonarworks Store. Note that the Add-on cannot be used on its own, and requires a license for SoundID Reference.


As an alternative, new users can bundle a SoundID Reference license with the Virtual Monitoring Add-on included: 

  • SoundID Reference for Headphones with Virtual Monitoring Add-on
  • SoundID Reference for Speakers & Headphones with Virtual Monitoring Add-on
  • SoundID Reference for Multichannel with Virtual Monitoring Add-on


View the full pricing details here: Get your version of SoundID Reference.


IMPORTANT! When purchasing a bundle deal, all the license codes will be provided in the order confirmation email from Sonarworks Store.


Can I use it with my educational license?

Yes, the Virtual Monitoring Add-on license is fully compatible with SoundID Reference regular and educational licenses, but the Virtual Monitoring Add-on is not part of the SoundID Reference in education program - educational deals are not available.


NOTE! Educational licenses offer a single activation seat, therefore, the Virtual Monitoring Add-on can be used on one device at a time with an active EDU license.


Reference 3 and 4 license upgrade bundles with Virtual Monitoring Add-on included

Existing Reference 3 or 4 license owners can select an upgrade bundle with the Virtual Monitoring Add-on included.

  • Reference 3 or 4 Headphone to SoundID Reference with Virtual Monitoring Add-on
  • Reference 3 or 4 Speaker to SoundID Reference for Speakers & Headphones with Virtual Monitoring Add-on
  • Reference 3 or 4 Speaker to SoundID Reference for Multichannel with Virtual Monitoring Add-on


View full upgrade deals and details here: upgrade pricing.


Upgrade product bundles with Virtual Monitoring Add-on

Existing SoundID Reference licenses can be upgraded to higher tier versions with the Virtual Monitoring Add-on included in the upgrade bundle:

  • SoundID Reference for Headphones to SoundID Reference for Speakers & Headphones | with Virtual Monitoring Add-on
  • SoundID Reference for Headphones to SoundID Reference for Speakers & Headphones | with Measurement Mic and Virtual Monitoring Add-on
  • SoundID Reference for Speakers & Headphones to SoundID Reference for Multichannel | with Virtual Monitoring Add-on


See all license upgrade products and upgrade product bundles here: Sonarworks Store - Software Upgrade

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I already own SoundID for Headphones, and I am looking for pricing information for the Virtual Monitoriing Add-On. I see the option for a 21-day trial, but nothing on the price beyond that.


Hey seth, if you already have a SoundID Reference for Headphones license, the Virtual Monitoring add-on can be purchased separately here: SoundID Reference Virtual Monitoring Add-on (this includes only the add-on itself). 
You will receive the activation key via email after the purchase and will have to register it in your Sonarworks.com account and then activate via the account; for activation instructions, see our guide here: Activate a permanent license for the Virtual Monitoring Add-On

If you encounter any trouble during the purchase or activation, surely let us know!

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