[WIN] No input channels available in the Measure app

If you encounter an issue with no input channels showing up in SoundID Reference Measure, this guide provides more details and tips to resolve the issue.


In this article:


No inputs available in SoundID Reference Measure

When no inputs show up within SoundID Reference Measure, there usually is a logical explanation. Below checklist should be followed before the workaround steps can be tested below.

  • Change the connection port/cable
  • Make sure the drivers/firmware are up-to-date
  • Launching Measure in WASAPI mode (start > type "Measure" > select Measure WASAPI)



Whitelisting the ASIO driver

By default, we try to blacklist unwanted ASIO drivers to avoid potential errors. It can be that the interface in use has accidentally ended up on the blacklist, resulting in an inability for SoundID Reference Measure to communicate with it. This can be checked by following the steps in the blacklisting article - 

  • Close Measure
  • Go to:
    C:\Users\your username\AppData\Local\Sonarworks\SoundID Reference\Measure
  • Delete the blacklist file
  • Launch Measure and try again

NOTE! The user\AppData directory on Windows is hidden by default. To enable showing hidden files and folders, follow the instructions here: How to show hidden files Mac and Windows?

Read more: Blacklisting ASIO drivers in the SoundID Reference Measure app

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